Queen Máxima is also an escapee


Máxima Zorreguieta owns three sections of rural land in Río Negro, which she did not declare improvements before the province and thus escapes the payment of the corresponding taxes. The entire infrastructure project of the Baguales complex, built by the Belgian group BURCO and now in the hands of the capitals of Qatar, has not been declared to the state. Thus, the cadastral public documentation confirms that the underreporting of improvements reported by Joseph Lewis for Lago Escondido is no exception.

Based in the official headquarters of the Crown of Holland (located among the 15 greatest fortunes of the world royalty), Zorreguieta has owned since 2009 the property of nearly 3,000 hectares on the Pichi Leufú River, 30 km north-east from the Bariloche International Airport and 7.5 east of the Limay River course.

According to El Rocket to the Moon, Marta Marcela Cerruti Carricart, aunt and godmother of Maxima, is in charge of the five-room pavilion "Estancia Pilpilcura", with an area of ​​about 780 square meters not declared before the date. State of Rio Negro, as indicated in the register. public registry. In December 2016, President Mauricio Macri was there with his family. He arrived in government helicopter flight from Villa La Angostura (VLA), south of Neuquén.

At the time, the unofficial version indicated that Martín Zorreguieta, Máxima's brother, had bought a 1500-hectare field from a Bariloche family offering tourist services. Catastro's public documentation ensures that the Queen does not need intermediaries to buy land twice as much as official history says, in an area included in the Border Security Zone.

In 2008, while she was not yet queen, she bought at least two fractions of the private subdivision "Muelle de Piedra" on the north coast of Lake Nahuel Huapi, at VLA. In any event, he continues to stay in the residence that he rents to Miguel Miguens businessman at "Cumelén", the traditional country created by the Bustillo brothers in the 40s for to avoid the expropriations made by the landowners during the first government of Perón.


The fields registered in the name of the queen are:

one of the 363 hectares, traditionally occupied without title deed by Amadeo, Ilda, Carlos, Ceferiniana and Carmelo Paillalef with an administrative file initiated to the general direction of Lands and Colonies in 1949, while Río Negro was still a National territory;

another of 1543, 5 hectares occupied without title by Antonio, Jacobo and Pedro Zgaib at Pilpicura Square; and

another of 1,045 hectares occupied without title by Pablo Martinez, still according to the original plans accredited by Catastro.

Cerruti registered in 2009, a few months after the purchase of the field, the brand "Estancia Pilpilcura Patagonia Argentina". On the Web, he publishes an aerial image of the hostel, which must also possess the corresponding commercial and tourist license. The page referring to the improvements was left blank and absolutely nothing was declared before the cadastre.


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