Queen Maxima of the Netherlands is recovering from a minor operation


Maxima, the queen of Holland, is recovering from a "minor operation"And will need rest." The intervention was planned and took place last week, but the information service of the Royal House made public this Friday to justify their absence at an annual meeting. day when the sovereigns, Princess Beatriz and other members of the family participate, as volunteers, in a campaign called Holland collaborates

Máxima was to accompany her husband, King Guillermo, to a children's play farm, and he said: "Everything is going very well and you will not have to worry; in a few days he will be back. "The nature of the operation to which it has been subjected has not yet been revealed, nor is the care that it requires. better not to move too still ", generic.

This is not the first time that the Dutch queen has health problems. In November 2018, he canceled all his commitments for three weeks due to a intestinal infection. In particular, they traveled to Tanzania as UN Special Advocate for Inclusive Financing and Development, but did not exhaust their sick leave. After twelve days, I was back to inaugurate the Debt Lab, designed to prevent vulnerable groups from losing their savings. Then, the spokespersons of the Royal House explained that Máxima was undergoing treatment and was resting.

Last week, Máxima was in Jordan as a UN Special Envoy (EFE / Andre Pain / 12.02.2019)
Last week, Máxima was in Jordan as a UN Special Envoy (EFE / Andre Pain / 12.02.2019)

In 2015, a Acute renal infection He made her return from the state visit that the royal Dutch couple made to China. Upon landing, he entered the hospital because antibiotics and prescription painkillers did not alleviate the back pain that he suffered. According to the Dutch media, he suffers from pyelonephritis, an inflammation of the kidney that can cause fever, nausea, vomiting and blood in the urine.

"It would have been a lot more fun to be here with her, but she reminds you all," added King Guillermo on Friday before participating in the construction of a children's garden.

Guillermo and Máxima have three daughters – Amalia, 15, and heir to the throne; Alexia, 13, and Ariadna, about to turn 12 and last February, celebrated their 17 years of marriage. The next month of April, the couple will fill six years on the throne of the country, becoming the first kings of his generation to succeed, in Europe, his parents.

The couple is immensely popular in their country. According to studies published in spring 2018 on the occasion of the five years of his accession to the throne, 85% of citizens consider the king as a man "committed, close, open and natural". Moreover, Máxima is still the favorite of the royal family. "This is a special woman and I am surprised that she is with me," said her husband about her on the occasion.


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