Quino rejected the use of Mafalda in the campaign against legal abortion


"I did not allow it, it does not reflect my position," said the caricaturist about the image of the girl with a blue scarf that was flowing through the nets.

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Quino, the creator of Mafalda, yesterday denied through a statement that is a real text with his signature circulating on social networks with an alleged rejection of the law of legal abortion that is discussed in the Senate of the Nation and this has the average sanction of the Chamber of Deputies.
In the countryside, Mafalda appears with the blue handkerchief that identifies anti-abortion groups. "I did not allow it, it does not reflect my position and I ask [que] to be removed," Quino said.
On Thursday, an alleged quote from Quino was viralized, accompanied by his photo and that of his character. "It has been said that the image of Mafalda is used without my permission in the campaign to legalize the abortion (which makes me angry) but I take this to make clear that Mafalda will always be in favor of life, therefore, do not put green handkerchief, because its color is heavenly ".
Quino's message was the counterpart of the apocryphal: "The images of Mafalda have spread with the blue handkerchief, which symbolizes opposition to the law of voluntary termination of pregnancy. I did not authorize it, it does not reflect my position and I ask [que] to be removed.I have always accompanied the causes of human rights in general, and the rights of the person. especially women, to whom I wish you good luck in your requests. "
Quino has avoided speaking openly in favor of the law on legal abortion, although his mention of "women's human rights" is part of the arguments of sectors that defend legal abortion, whose project will be discussed by the Senate on August 8th.
"He is like that, he does not like to stand on one side or the other, but the one who knows him knows what Quino thinks, he talks about the big problems, he goes to the bottom. things, but he escapes the affairs of the conjuncture, "he explains to the Spanish newspaper El País his nephew Diego Lavado.
Joaquín Salvador Lavado, Quino, creator of the most responsive girl in Argentina, just turned 86, lost much of his vision and lives in the province of Mendoza, at the foot of the Andes.
"I did not want to worry because it was his birthday, but he did take it in. When I told him what was going on, he said" well, it happens always, but let's make a little clarification so that there is no confusion ". He is half resigned because he knows that it is impossible to stop these things, "said Diego, now responsible for his care in Mendoza.

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