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The reception of last Friday at the French Embbady in the perspective of the celebration of the national holiday on the occasion of the new anniversary of the taking of the Bastille was the opportunity to bid farewell to Ambbadador Pierre Henri Guignard and his wife Marie-Carmen Boué-Guignard, leaving the performance. French diplomat in Buenos Aires and leave for new functions. Guignard and his wife received at the Ortíz Basualdo Palace the French living in Argentina and Argentines of all origins. More than 600 guests circulated in the two rooms around the tables where French specialties were served, as well as cheeses, pâté, crunchy baguettes, canapés, pork legs and continuous rounds of sparkling wine. The decision was interrupted, with the exception of some unsatisfied, to listen to Guignard's words. He is fluent in Spanish and his speech has directly drawn attention to the recent trade agreement between Mercosur and the European Union. "Both countries believe in multilateralism and negotiated solutions," is a small step for us, but a giant step for the open world we aspire to, "said the diplomat." At a time when others are building walls (unequivocal allusion to Donald Trump's policy), we believe in freedom, "continued the ambbadador, later referring to the situation in Argentina, saying that he" wanted to see the end of the tunnel and He recalled the support that France had given him at that time, both by his position on the Executive Board of the IMF and by his explicit support for the country's entry into the OECD area. concluded by quoting the stanzas of a tango according to an "emblematic character of the two countries, like Carlos Gardel"; Goodbye guys. The diplomat leaves office this month, the recitation was a curious farewell that everyone was celebrating with prolonged applause Nicolá Dujovne has pbaded like an arrow, did not stay at the reception, greeted the ambbadador and exchanged praise for the Mercosur-EU agreement.

Not everyone left the French palace early, other national officials, such as the Secretary for Strategic Affairs, Fulvio Pompeo; Vice-Chancellor Gustavo Zlauvinen, Secretary of the Government of Culture, Pablo Avelluto and Secretary for Political and Institutional Affairs, Adrián Pérez, as well as the President of the Supreme Court of Justice, Carlos Rosenkrantz, Prosecutor Germán Moldes, Deputy Secretary of International Relations of the Ministry of Defense, José Vila and the Secretary General of the Government of Buenos Aires, Fabián Perechodnik, remained at the party almost until the culmination of the celebration, two hours after noon. In addition, some of the leaders of the International Zone for Change zone were present to bid farewell to their friend Guignard, Dr. Mario Scholz, a former French government researcher and secretary for international relations of the UCR's national MPs group; Pablo Garzonio, international historical operator of Fernando de la Rua and Enrique Olivera, current director of international relations of the legislature of Buenos Aires; Ambbadador Horacio Jaquenod, referent to the Chancellery of Senator Miguel Angel Pichetto and holder of the National Institute Yrigoyeneano Diego Barovero. Intermediate cuts, it was revealed to the embbady that Kirchnerism was trying to open an international agenda, but further away from formal diplomacy. For this, Julián Domínguez participated in the Argentine delegation that went to Puebla, Mexico, on behalf of Alberto Fernández. Carlos Tomada, Jorge Taiana and Felipe Solá were alongside the former president of the Chamber of Deputies. There was a meeting with the governor of Puebla, Miguel Barbosa Huerta; MORENA party chairman Yeidckol Polevnsky; the former president of Colombia Ernesto Samper Pizano; and former Chilean President Marco Enríquez-Ominami.


Travel Julián Domínguez, Carlos Tomada, Jorge Taiana and Felipe Solá in Puebla. Parallel Diploma for Alberto Fernández and Cristina de Kirchner.

Travel Julián Domínguez, Carlos Tomada, Jorge Taiana and Felipe Solá in Puebla. Parallel Diploma for Alberto Fernández and Cristina de Kirchner.

General Bari del Valle Sosa, Chief of Staff, Vice Admiral Eduardo Fondevila Sancet, Deputy Chief of the Navy, and Rear Admiral David Burden, General Director of Material, are today a key player in the process of acquiring the Ocean patrol boats built in France on the group's shipyard. The most commented data are the disappointment (and the anger contained) of President Mauricio Macri as to the suspension of the export to Guatemala of the plane Pampa III. Nothing that can be attributed to efforts that correspond to Argentina, except a delay in the drafting and formal control of the bilateral agreement that made the operation with Guatemala possible, under the responsibility of Luis Riva, Secretary for Research, Industrial Policy and Production of the Ministry of Culture. Defense The mistake was that the Guatemalan executive did not align the process and allowed a decisive decision-making process, namely the legislative approval of the bilateral technical-military cooperation agreement that supports all the negotiations. Everything happened in the middle of the electoral climate, inflamed to settle in a second round that will govern Guatemala. The sources noted that the poll in Guatemala is celebrated on the same day that here the Argentines choose candidates for simultaneous open and compulsory primaries (PASO); August 11th. The damage caused by the pampas will go to diplomatic treatment, said the spokesman.

Of course, in all the meetings, the "politics" was the common factor that cut "transversally" the talks in each place with more or less interest for the people. For example, in Balcarce, in the presence of several ambbadadors and businessmen (the only one who contributes to the collection), the Awakening group table attracted attention, with Nazareno Etchepare (wearing a bright black suit, and with an identical tie, almost the only one to have this outfit) surrounded by several "espertistas" candidates was present at the event. And it was not only because there were not too many candidates present, or that it was expected that only Etchepare could reach "the posts" (for which he himself, as "manager" of 'Espert, reserved the first place in the lists) but, rather, because nobody knew them and that there was not much deployment that they managed to do, despite the lack competition. It has been agreed in several forums that the attempt of "copamiento" of the old UCeDa from José Luis Espert, for which she was badociated with "Alvarito" Alsogaray, was not too likely. Do the badysts claim that for young people it is a "Viejozo", whereas for the elderly, this right-wing model remembers repeated failures and has never attained a greater Espert now serves to go further in his presidential attempt).

In many of these meetings, the presence of rural people has irremediably led to problems in the sector, since the commemoration Wednesday of the 153 years of La Rural, one of the oldest professional organizations in the country, to the reduction of 1 (a) point in withholding a list of 200 products, although the total of the controversial tax reduction does not reach 60 million dollars. In any case, it is thought that it is going in the right direction (even if it is rare) and that it is more a question of responding to the governors concerned and, in addition, to those who wish to address the fact that they largely depend on agro-industrial products known as "Regional Economies", a euphemism for developments furthest removed from the epicenter of Buenos Aires and its wet Pampa, and which respond in much of it in the center and north of the country, where there are powerful fiefs of Kirchner. In addition to these agricultural problems, some questions were repeated during meetings between the French Embbady and the Recoletos meetings in Barrio Norte. A businessman summarized the situation in these terms: "If, at the fall of Fernando de la Rúa, there were 38 dead, Eduardo Duhalde now recognizes that something has to do with the end of this government (as many still suspected it), would not it be time that a prosecutor stepped in to investigate his responsibility in those deaths? "The question floated and was accompanied by some other criticisms of the attitudes surrounding death and death. Burial of the former president. Both the De la Rua family and the friends have judged the support of Mauricio Macri and Juliana Awada, who attended the Salle des Étapes perdues to pay tribute to the De la Rúa and pay tribute, but it is not the case. even for radical authorities to a large extent, they were absent. Hat in this sense for Hérnán Lombardi and Patricia Bullrich, who claimed their membership in the cabinet of De la Rúa and made it public, showing that they had more political behavior than many of the other ex -Alianza, many of whom after the Nestor government and Cristina Kirchner or other directly as radicals have agreed to join the Kirchner.

The exponential escalation of campaign warnings annoys most people, and this is just beginning. But the fronts are very varied, telephone surveys (which, according to many, should be prohibited without interference in privacy), advertising by all means, this weekend, with the "tables" in strategic corners, for which everyone has been summoned, at least, in the oficialismo who seems not to want to leave any flaws. Thus, in the 5 corners, one of the most "glam" points of the city (Libertad, Juncal and Quintana) in the center of Recoleta, it was possible to see the sacrificed militants of the PRO since very early and without much echo at neighbors who supposedly respond to this aspect in a significant percentage.

Summit of Italians with the UCCEB (Union of 35 Binational Chambers) which meet each month in different places, alternately according to an annual program. The last was at the headquarters of the Italian Chamber of Commerce (Palazzo Italia), under the direction of the engineer Giorgio Aliata de Montereale, whose main theme was the EU-Mercosur agreement. The agreement was unanimously approved, especially after the harsh defense and the speech of the representative of the German Chamber, which recounted the difficulties encountered during the years of negotiations. It was felt that nothing would be easy, that business transformation and adaptation was a challenge, but that it was worth living. Unanimous and closed applause ended the meeting (it's a saying), as the Italian Chamber invited them with delicate delicacies from the peninsula prepared by a chef from these lands.

Let's end with a rural joke.

Saturday afternoon. A country man travels to the nearest city to see a movie in the only cinema there. The man, who has a bad on his shoulder, goes to the ticket office to get his ticket.

– Sir, I can not let him enter the room with animals, said the boletero, surprised.

– But I'm far from home, my friend, where will I leave my dick?

– I'm sorry, sir, you can not come in, insists the boletero.

The man leaves, turns the block, hides the bad in his pants, returns to the cinema and the ticket seller then sells the ticket. He comes in, sits down and prepares to watch the movie. When he starts, he feels the bad bend in him and secretly opens his fly so that the bad pulls his head and can breathe. Beside the man, there are two mature ladies, Alicia and Clara. It is when one of them speaks to each other to his ear:

"Clarita," he said. It seems to me that I am sitting next to a pervert.

– But why? – asks her friend, still in a low voice.

– Because he opened his fly and took out his thing …

– Oh, Alicia! Do not reject it. The quantity of these things that we will have seen at our age!

– Yes, Clarita, but it's the first one that pecks me pochoclo.


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