Racial hatred and extremism: who is Patrick Crusius, the one arrested for the attack on American shopping


At least 19 people died This Saturday in a Walmart in the city of El Paso, in the southwestern United States, a heavily armed man entered the establishment and began firing on the mansalva against everyone present.

The attack took place around 10 am and resulted in the rapid arrival of security forces. Later the police managed to arrest Patrick Crusiuswho is considered the only material author of the attack.

According to local media reports, the man was apprehended near the scene of the incident aboard a gray vehicle. Although possessing a large caliber weapon in his possession, the police stated that the suspect had not tried to use it when he had been intercepted and that made without resistance.

The moment the filming started

The 21-year-old suspect is from Allen, Texas, and is linked to racist extremist groups. In this sense, several survivors explained to the press how the young man had shot men, women and children with obvious hatred, and how he ended them one by one as they fell on the ground.

In chain statements CBS, a witness of the fact said that the Crusius "walked in the driveway through the scene and fired with absolute fury on the number of people that he had on hand". According to your statements, only he stopped when he ran out of bullets.

For its part, the local environment Heavy He informed that the young man had dropped his page on the LinkedIn social network a few minutes after the attack. In this document, he wrote in 2015 that "he had no more motivations in his life".

Although the reasons for the attack are still unclear, the authorities this afternoon denied the first versions that spoke of a group of at least three shooters. "We dismiss that he was several attackers "said city police department spokesman Robert Gomez.


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