Radical economic referents doubtful of approval of new IMF disbursement


"Planned spending for September has not yet been confirmed and will likely be delayed.and that when that happens, is for less than $ 5.4 billion that the government plans"predicts the document bearing the signature of Jorge Sappia, president of the UCR Convention.

In this sense, the party organ has ruled that "Without a real economic plan guaranteeing employment and promoting real growth and exports, it will be very difficult to control the socio-economic climate.".

"This suggests difficulties for the fourth review of the Fund's program, and it will be necessary to see how the economic team manages to balance its obsession with the objectives of the program, with the reality of a deep recession that will not relax, resulting in increased unemployment and growth of poverty in the most disadvantaged sectors", remarked the Economic Commission of Radicalism.

For these members of the Radical Convention, "the government has continued its strategy of over-executing the commitments of the confirmation agreement, even at the cost of deepening the recession and the downfall of all socio-economic indicators".

"At the time, we warned against the dubious benefits of exceeding targets at all costs, and this week it has been shown that this strategy brought no tangible benefit even before the IMFthey stressed.


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