Radicals who want to leave with Lavagna


Juan Manuel Casella, leader of the Radical Civic Union, baderted that a sector of radicalism would create a new electoral front outside Cambiemos, as a "third alternative" against the polarization between Mauricio Macri and Cristina Kirchner . In addition, he stated that Roberto Lavagna was a possible candidate for this space.

"A group of radical leaders, including Ricardo Alfonsín, Federico Storani and Jorge Sappia, are promoting the expansion of the electoral scene," Casella said Friday on the radio.

"We want to leave this option between two candidates without more and we intend to promote an alternative path that involves responding to this large number of people, up to 60%, which, according to surveys, do not do not want to vote for Cristina or Macri, "he added. radical historic leader.

"I think that the extension of Cambiemos would not be useful because its candidate, who is Macri, ultimately occupies one of the focal points of the gap." This does not meet the political needs that we try to cover, "he said.

"At that time (an alternative to the crack) may be (Roberto) Lavagna, at one point we thought it was Martin Lousteau, but macrismo refused to allow a competition in the world. OSP, "said Casella.

Casella felt that it is possible that some radical leaders continue to change and that others leave behind Lavagna, as is the case in Córdoba, where Mario Negri is a candidate for change. Radicalism has decided to compete with Ramón Mestre. "

Consulted for the reasons why he rejects Macri, Casella said that "with him, we are condemned to a permanent adjustment". According to his diagnosis, the president "has lost confidence in the markets and in the private investor, he has left the only resource of the International Monetary Fund to a permanent adjustment.I do not think that he will change this scenario" s & nbsp; He is re-elected ".

As for the former President Kirchner, according to him, with her "there is a risk of consecration and legitimization of impunity". He added: "Cristina's model, which is populist, works when she has money, but when it does not work, it becomes repressive, as is the case in Venezuela."


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