Radiologist left her career and eventually became a porn actress | Chronic


Sylvia Saige She told various media that after a lifetime of struggle and sacrifice, she had managed to become a health professional, but that over the years, she had decided to take a radical turn when she was not a health professional. she had moved to Los Angeles and had become a bad actress.

Saige revealed that he was working hard at school, had gone to university and had gotten a great job in radiology. But despite the taste she felt for helping people, she knew that it was not a practice that made her happy.

The woman moved to California to pursue her pbadion for comedy, but after a few months she made a big decision: to join a cast to become an adult movie star.

Sylvia, 35, loves her job and admits that she can earn over a thousand dollars for just a few hours of work, but the impact she's had on her parents still bugs her.

Sending to Mirror Online, he said: "The hardest part is knowing that my family is taking care of my career as much as I. I want my parents to be as proud of me as when they were in medicine."he said. The actress also added: "I never wanted my parents to have chess, I have a university degree.".

The former radiologist admitted that at first, his parents were extremely opposed to his decision, but they are now heading a little further towards the path of acceptance. "I had a lot of options, but I had chosen bad.This bothered many people, including my family.I would like very much that they would be proud of me and introduce me as their daughter who works in bad, instead of going to family reunions and pretending I'm another person ", he said.

His career in the XXX industry

Sylvia's work in the adult industry has opened many other doors. She has her own erotic chat show and presents a bad podcast on social networks. The actress wants to help eliminate the negative connotations on bad and the adult film industry.

She said: "My mission is to start talking about bad, we are very embarrbaded, so I talked about bad with everyone.". Saige has been working in the adult film industry for five years and says it's now quite normal for her.

Asked about the details of her profession, she replied"Everything is going very fast, but it's becoming so routine that I do not even think about it anymore, it's just part of my job.". A typical session can last between two and six hours.


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