Rafael Correa on the elections in Ecuador: “The …


The former president of Ecuador Rafael Correa defined the elections to be held this Sunday February 7 at “a large exhaust valve”, who will emerge from the crisis in which the country has plunged Lenin Moreno, his former political ally who assumed the champion of the citizen revolution but then turned to neoliberalism.

Correa spoke remotely with the IP channel about the next elections, which have his dolphin as the main candidate, Andres Arauz. “The next government will not receive a country, it will receive ruins,” he added of the effects of the Moreno administration.

“The Ecuadorian people are suffering from the worst crisis in their history, they are demoralized, they are afraid, they are demotivated, but the elections on Sunday February 7 are a big rescue valve,” he said.

Although not a candidate, Aráuz, of the Unión por la Esperanza alliance, starts off as a favorite in the polls. His main rival is Guillermo Lasso (CREO Movement), who has already appeared in previous elections as a representative of the change of course in the Latin American country.

Correa has been living in Belgium since 2017. If he returns to Ecuador, he could be arrested as a result of the criminal proceedings opened under the government of his partner and would end up being his rival, still President Lenín Moreno.

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