“Rain of iguanas”: what is the phenomenon you foresee …


Winter generally gives rise to a curious fact in the south of Florida, United States: “iguana rain”. It is the name of the phenomenon by which due to the frost due to low temperatures these animals fall from trees.

Iguanas, a species considered invasive in South Florida, they tend to fall from the trees where they sleep and although they do not die on the spot, sometimes they leave the streets lined with their bodies. These reptiles hibernate until temperatures rise and then resume their normal lives.

For those days this region of the United States has the lowest temperatures of the year. For the first hours of Thursday, a minimum of 4.4 degrees had been forecast in some places. According to local weather services, for Miami-Dade and Broward counties in the southeast, the coldest winter temperatures were expected around this time, in addition to strong gusts of wind that will accentuate the low thermal sensation.

Northwest winds carry cool air into South Florida, which is generally warm even in winter. “Some areas have even dropped to 40 (degrees Fahrenheit, or about 4.4 degrees Celsius)!” Said local CBS Channel 4 meteorologist Lissette González, after citing Pompano Beach, located 35 miles north of Miami, who woke up to 43 degrees Fahrenheit (6 degrees Celsius).

“Our normal minimum is 61 degrees (16 Celsius) at this time of year. It will be even colder tomorrow morning, ”added González. It is with these weather conditions that the “iguana rain” usually occurs.

In this context, in Miami, the emergency plan The Homeless Trust was activated until Thursday, which involves the opening of shelters for the homeless.

In Broward, his counterpart The Homeless Voice made their usual county-wide tour on Tuesday as temperatures began to drop. The healthcare team has provided blankets, gloves, shoes and food to homeless people who avoid going to shelters for fear of catching Covid-19.

This Thursday morning, we expect the temperature to rise which will bring some normality for the rest of the week, with a low of 60 Fahrenheit (15 Celsius).

Meanwhile, the northeastern region of the United States is starting to recover from the intense snowstorm that hit the region on Monday and left one dead, transit paralysis and the campaign suspended. vaccination against the coronavirus in several cities.

The massive snowfall, accompanied by wind gusts of 95 kilometers per hour, left some New Jersey towns, such as Newton and Mendham, around three feet of snow.


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