Ramos Padilla confirmed that he was investigating a spy ring | Chronic


By Luis Mendoza
[email protected]

The federal judge Alejo Ramos Padilla ratified by the Congress studying a network "magnitudes"espionage and intelligence operations conducted by a parastatal organization, as part of the cause that involves Marcelo DAlessio and the prosecutor Carlos Stornelli, among others imputed.

"I am the judge of the case, I will take all the necessary precautions to preserve the investigation, integrity and reserved data of the victims, and I will not draw any conclusions, but I will take all the necessary precautions to preserve the investigation, the integrity and the reserved data of the victims, and I will not draw any conclusions, but j & # 39; will expose the information gathered so far.", said the magistrate in his speech.

He based the acceptance of the invitation to state to Parliament that "judges have an obligation to inform the public of the content of an investigation into these features"

At the opening of his detailed presentation before the Committee of the freedom of expression of the Lower House, summoned by the Kyrchnerist deputy Léopoldo Moreau, explained that prior to the ratification of the Federal Intelligence Agency (AFI), DAlessio was not an agent of the state, this did not constitute a violation of the law in force. He pointed out that he had barely uttered the prosecution of the false lawyer, the Bicameral Commission for the Supervision and Control of Agencies and Intelligence Activities, chaired by the senator. Juan Carlos MarinoHe asked for information, which he sent last week in cracked boxes. These documents could be opened today in plenary session convened by the radical legislator in the offices of the former savings bank.

"These are documents, files and files containing sensitive information"he detailed and reproduced in front of the deputies an audio recording in which DAlessio intended to resist the raid, warning that, to realize it, they had first to speak to the Minister of the Security , Patricia Bullrich; with the owner of the AFI, Gustavo Arribas; or even with the president himself Mauricio Macri.

In addition, he stated that "At this stage of the investigation, the national intelligence law does not have any impact."since the AFI and the Public Prosecutor have both confirmed that DAlessio"he is neither agent nor public agent"

The judge explained that the employer Pedro Etchebest denounced on January 28 "Extortion in progress"and that he joined 14 hours of audio, videos and images by filing a complaint in which he implicated a judge and a prosecutor to ask for money."I never thought that a Nation Attorney could ask for money from someone who said publicly that he was an agent of the DEA", clarified about Stornelli.

The judge was very cautious in answering legislators' questions, so as not to impede the course of the open investigation, but showed copies of photographs, read WhatsApp messages and made compelling phone audios in the room.

He also revealed that during the raid on DAlessio, he found a file bearing the name "Fantino Report", with an intelligence work on the TV show" Animales Sueltos ", for the private meeting that he had with"a national legislatorIn this case, Moreau asked him if it was the senator and the former president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, to which the magistrate replied in the affirmative.

At the informative meeting held between 2:30 pm and 7 pm in the conference room of Schedule "C", only the Front legislators for the Victory-PJ and other blocks of the opposition attended, while Mr. Cambiemos refrained from participating as he was considered to "staged"Kirchnerism.


During his speech, the judge of Dolores revealed conversations via DAhatsio between DAlessio and the businessman Mario Montoto -the current president of the Argento-Israeli Chamber of Commerce- on the illegal operations of extraction of people from Venezuela. "Everything is perfect, extracting the four objectives of the embbady. Monday, we will surely return to Venezuela for 48 hours. Aircraft coming from Moscow and St. Petersburg therefore require take care pleasesaid the message disclosed by the judge with a cell phone.

In this part of the presentation, he recorded another audio recording in which the fake lawyer boasted that he had managed to find a former director of the Argentine subsidiary of PDVSA (the Venezuelan oil company). "pause"for"l & # 39; illegal"from the former president Hugo Chavez and his successor, Nicolás Maduro. "Dear friend, during my trip, I brought some valuable information from PDVSA in Argentina, I treated them and already, I already sat tomorrow a former director of the Argentine subsidiary who managed to break it and wants to tell all the details of the illegal acts of Chavez and Maduro Argentina Tomorrow, I am sorry with (the journalist Daniel) Santoro and Monday with Stornelli. This is a boost for Macri and I will do it. I wanted you to be the first to know", the fake lawyer told Montoto, a former member of the Montoneros organization.


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