Rats invade New York neighborhoods


New York authorities alerted about the presence of many rats in neighborhood streets. The fact was alerted by a neighbor of the Upper West Side, who claimed that neither the poison can kill them.

According to the newspaper The countryCompared to last year, the presence of these animals on the streets increased by 40%, as did 17,350 complaints from users of this neighborhood and other areas.

The truth is that in 2017, Mayor Bill de Blasio tried to end the situation. He therefore decided to invest more than 30 million dollars to exterminate them. However, It was not as easy as it seemed.

While many scientists claim that this is due to climate change, Other experts say that these animals do not leave because of an inefficient garbage collection.

Philadelphia, Chicago, Washington, Los Angeles and Seattle are among the cities that are also experiencing the invasion of rats, which has caused concern throughout the United States.

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