Raúl Castro reappeared after protests in Cuba | Participation in a PCC meeting


Former Cuban President Raúl Castro participated in a meeting of the leadership of the Communist Party (CPC) in which Sunday’s anti-government protests were discussed, state media reported on Monday.

During the meeting of the Political Bureau of the PCC, chaired by the first secretary of the formation and the president Miguel Díaz-Canel, “the provocations orchestrated by counter-revolutionary elements, organized and financed from the United States for destabilizing purposes ”, says a statement released by the Cuban News Agency.

“The members of the highest authority of the party also addressed themselves to the exemplarity popular response to Comrade Díaz-Canel’s call to defend the Revolution in the streets, which made it possible to defeat subversive actions, ”adds the official note.

As of yet, no video footage or photographs showing Raúl at the meeting have been released in Cuban state media., who turned 90 in June and in his last public appearances he appeared to be in good health.

Demonstrations in Cuba

Thousands of Cubans took to the streets on Sunday to protest against the government. There were a dozen detainees and clashes after Díaz-Canel called on the Cuban people to defend the revolution. “We do not call on the people to confront the people but we call on the people to defend their revolution”, explained the president.

On Monday, the president, to whom Raúl Castro handed over the leadership of the CCP last April, appeared with members of his cabinet for several hours on state television to talk about the main problems of the island.

In this intervention, Díaz-Canel once again held the United States responsible for the protests and blamed the embargo that this country has applied to Cuba for six decades for the economic problems the island is going through.

The Cuban president said that “there is a policy of economic suffocation to provoke social epidemics”, while admitting the impact of recent blackouts in parts of the country.


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