Raúl Zaffaroni signed a request for the release of the leader of Nicolás Maduro, detained in Cape Verde


Former judge Eugenio Raul Zaffaroni (Photo: Charly Diaz Azcue / Senate Communication)
Former judge Eugenio Raul Zaffaroni (Photo: Charly Diaz Azcue / Senate Communication)

The former judge of the Supreme Court of Justice and current judge at the International Court of Human Rights, where he represents Argentina, Raul Zaffaroni, signed a request for the release of Alex saab, leader of the dictator of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, arrested on June 12 last year.

Saab was captured when the plane he was traveling in stopped to refuel at Amilcar Cabral International Airport on the Cape Verdean island of Sal, following a US request via Interpol for alleged money laundering.

Last week, the Cape Verde Supreme Court of Justice authorized his extradition to the United States and US federal prosecutors believe the extradition will be effective before May.

Saab is approached by the Miami Southern District Court to the laundering of 350 million dollars. However, North American authorities consider Colombian to be essential for obtaining relevant information on the criminal structure of the Venezuelan dictatorship.

In this context, the document signed by Zaffaroni bears the name of “Manifesto in favor of respect for human rights obligations” and maintains that the Court of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has issued a decision ordering the Cape Verdean authorities to immediately release Saab.

Also order “Close the extradition process initiated by the United States and proceed to its economic reparation”. The signatories ask “the Republic of Cape Verde to comply with its international human rights obligations” because “respect for international tribunals of guardianship, guarantee and protection of rights is fundamental to guarantee a community international which respects the individual ”.

Alex Saab was arrested in June last year
Alex Saab was arrested in June last year

Besides Zaffaroni, the manifesto was signed by the director of the Institute of Human Rights of the University of La Plata, Fabian Salvioli; the Spanish judge Baltazar Garzon; the former Minister of Human Rights of Brazil Paulo vanuchi; the President of the National Institute of Social Responsibility and Human Rights of Costa Rica, Victor Rodriguez Rescia and the former president of the Human Rights Association of Spain Hernán Hormazabal Malarée, among other leaders.

“The principle” pacta sunt servanda “and international good faith are obligatory for the Republic of Cape Verde, especially when human rights are at stake, a space of special protection for the international legal system”, affirm the signatories in the document that published.

Zaffaroni’s signature on the manifesto, due to his role at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on behalf of Argentina, This could pose problems for the Alberto Fernández government in the relationship it is building with the new administration Joe Biden. His signature approves Saab and his actions.

Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro
Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro

The influence of the Colombian businessman on the Venezuelan regime is such that neither the United States nor Colombia know how far all the million dollar negotiations he is carrying out in the name of the dictatorship go. from Maduro. Therefore, the information in your possession is very relevant and sensitive. Maduro and his surroundings know this. Hence the relentless efforts to free Saab.

The Venezuelan regime has so far spent around 170 million dollars to defend the leader of Maduro, according to the Guaidó government. Since his arrest last June, Caracas has hired at least eight law firms in various countries including the US, UK and that of controversial former Spanish judge Baltasar Garzón.

The businessman, born in Barranquilla and of Lebanese origin, He is linked to several companies, including Group Grand Limited (GGL), accused of providing food with additional costs for a Maduro regime’s aid program for the underprivileged, known as CLAP.


US seeks to expedite Alex Saab’s extradition to gain key insight into the criminal structure of Nicolás Maduro’s dictatorship

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