Raverta introduced a law on HIV and sexually transmitted diseases – the portrait of Hoy


The Deputy of Mar del Plata Fernanda Raverta presented a project of Global Response Law to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Viral Hepatitis and other Sexually Transmitted Infections ( IST). The project presented underlines the need for public policies to respond to the community, especially those affected by their care and treatment.

Among other issues " the initiative ensures the distribution of drugs and supplies necessary for the prevention, care and treatment in a timely manner, free of charge and in respect of the rights of persons infected by HIV, viral hepatitis and STIs, while continuing the sustainability of programs for the free supply of drugs and supplies "] announced the MP for Mar del Plata Fernanda Raverta

D & Raverta further acknowledged that with this project, [s] broaden the rights of the entire community since it promotes the active implementation of "He also pointed out that the project "is the product of cross-sectoral building between government organizations, networks of people living with HIV, and civil society, many of whom are now part of the National Front for Health. s people living with HIV, " said the legislator, adding that" this represents the result of two years of productive and rewarding work to make possible the reform of Law 23.798.

If approved, the law will imply a leap forward from the current 1990 sanctioned AIDS law that has become obsolete, and declares the full public interest in the virus infection of the Human immunodeficiency (HIV), viral hepatitis and badually transmitted infections (STIs).

It also establishes the obligation to develop public policies on the social determinants of disease, addressing the different vulnerabilities of those living with HIV. In addition, civil society participates in the design of public policies to fight HIV through the creation of a national commission, integrated in a cross-sectoral and interdepartmental way.

Recognizes and obligates the state to develop specific policies for girls, boys and adolescents born with HIV and who establish the principles of diagnosis: c onfidencial, voluntary with informed consent, free and universal, with mandatory counseling before and after the test, and the link with the health system

The project received guarantees from more than 14 deputies and was approved by more than 60 organizations that make up the National Front for the health of people living with HIV.

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