Re-election plan: political wing insists on reaching agreements with the PJ for 2020


Frigerio and Monzó (left and right), with Adrián Pérez Source: archive

Futuristic badyzes of the government's political wing are rejected. At the Ministry of Interior – transformed these days into a parade of leaders who want to sneak in the lists – warn that

Mauricio Macri

Governance will be re-elected, it will be very complex. And that at the end of the year, it will be necessary to maximize the agreements with the opposition to carry out the outstanding reforms because of the economic difficulties of the last three years.

For the minister to testify

Rogelio Frigerio

this week, after negotiating with the PJ block leader in the Senate,

Miguel Ángel Pichetto

, support for setting the agenda of the ruling party in Congress. In the environment of the official warn that worries "a lot" governance in a potential second term of Macri, which will no longer have the "honeymoon" that gives air to all the presidents when they land at Casa Rosada.

Frigerio wanted to broaden the political base of


and join the allies of the opposition Dialogue before the arrival of the first winds of the campaign. Now it's late. Therefore, plan B of the government's political wing is pointing towards the latter part of the year. "If there is a second round, between the general elections and the ballot, we will have to work very hard to conclude the agreements and if Mauricio wins, there will be another opportunity in the days before December 10", have they badyzed these last hours at the Ministry of the Interior. .

They want the space to be more politically generous and hope to have the support of Macri and the chief of staff, Marcos Peña. The Electoral Lab of Pro is currently working under the badumption of a polarization with Kirchnerism.

As lists fuse in provinces, it is uncertain in the medium and long term the place that will occupy the political leg of the ruling party, today embodied by Frigerio and the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies,

Emilio Monzó


The future of Frigerio and Monzó

In the case of the Minister of the Interior, although the personal and family project of moving to Washington to badume the presidency of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is still firm, the fact is that the appointment would be resolved only in April of next year. and if it materializes, it would be realized at the end of this year.

Although Macri obtained the blessing of Donald Trump for this position at Casa Rosada, they are cautious and warn that if Jair Bolsonaro directed his leadership in Brazil, he could also claim the presidency of the bank that finances public works in Brazil. Latin America.

While this application is being resolved, Frigerio should focus on domestic issues. It is not excluded today that he remains in the cabinet if Macri is re-elected, at least to lead the agreements of the first months of 2020.

Monzó, on the other hand, has a few months of work before retiring. His only mission, say those who interact with him on a daily basis, will be to keep a very conservative agenda, which does not create surprises. "The only thing you have to do this year is take care of the president, it is not the year of risky projects," they say in their environment.

The non-call to the Extraordinary Sessions was the sample button for this scenario. The ruling party does not want to take measures that may have weaknesses. "In May, the congress was over for us, you can not take anything when the most bellicose campaign begins," they said this week at the House of the Government. "You have to be very conservative with the projects sent," they added.

For the moment, they celebrated this week the agreement with Pichetto to approve the project providing for heavier sanctions against barrabravas and the new scheme of financing political campaigns. The first of these initiatives will be dealt with by the deputies and the second by the semi-sanction in the Upper House. It is there that the road is the most paved, even though it remains to be agreed on the most sensitive point of the project: the top of the commercial contributions that candidates can receive.


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