read anal fingerprint and detect serious illnesses


Almost all electronic devices in daily use have experienced a transition to greater intelligence which has made them more functional. The bathroom, which are also used daily, remain insensitive to the passage of time.

It is true that some models spit out a jet of water and others heat the cup. It is only in high-tech countries like Japan that there are exceptionally modern toilets. Beyond that, there were no significant changes.

Sonia Grego, researcher at Duke University, USA, and co-founder of Coprata, wants that to change. To do this, you are working on a smart toilet that can detect that something is wrong with its user’s health.

Smart toilets collect samples and analyze them Smart toilets collect samples and analyze them.  Image Duke University

Smart toilets collect samples and analyze them Smart toilets collect samples and analyze them. Image Duke University

Grego’s idea is that by using sensors and artificial intelligence, it can be done a stool test when you go to the bathroom. Basically, these sinks would replace the process of taking urine and stool samples to the doctor for analysis.

Grego believes that stool samples collected from his smart sink could provide accurate information about users’ chronic illnesses or even cancer if the right technology is used.

“You could receive personalized alerts to have more fiber or to avoid certain foods for certain ailments,” explains Grego, who believes the devices would bring great peace of mind because they would detect disease or disease at a very early stage.

The expert, in this sense, considers that the smart toilet would be a kind of Apple watch or activity bracelet, which are able to measure blood pressure and other indicators. Likewise, Grego’s sink would be connected to a mobile application in which all the information obtained would be stored.

They would be on the market by the end of the year

The Stanford University it is also working in this direction. While Grego will have a prototype in nine months, experts at the Faculty of Medicine already have a first model of a sink with a camera and artificial intelligence trained to analyze the color, texture and volume of feces and urine.

Toilets are able to identify users by their anal fingerprint (Stanford University).

Toilets are able to identify users by their anal fingerprint (Stanford University).

The camera used has the ability to read anal fingerprint people so that you know at all times who owns the sample you are analyzing.

Research published in the journal Nature Biomedical Engineering shows the toilet with its system of sensors and cameras. It has been tested with more than 60 people and thanks to artificial intelligence and image recognition, it is able to analyze those who use it.

The toilets not only have vision sensors, but also bring urine test strips to analyze pH, the presence of protein, glucose and detect possible infections, he says. Committed. It has a reader called “Analprint Scan”, which performs a scan of the anus of each user to relate the data obtained.

Stanford researchers have already reached an agreement with the Korean company Izen, responsible for manufacturing toilets, to be able to bring this smart model to market by the end of the year.

With information from La Vanguardia


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