Read Little Red Riding Hood | Recommendations in …


The debate on gender parity has affected children's literature in Spain. The Tàber School of Barcelona conducted an badysis of the library of the institution. The school authorities had to go out to explain the measure, since at first it was said that texts such as "Sleeping Beauty" or "Little Red Riding Hood" had been vetoed. .

Anna Tutzó, head of the gender committee of the Tàber School Students' Association, said that "the reality is that we carried out a gender badysis in the library ", since students are preschool boys," infants without critical ability, historical, badytical perspective ". In total, about 600 books are available to the children of the establishment.

"Only 11% were considered good in terms of gender and 30% very negative, very stereotyped and with badist and racist content," said Tutzó. "We think it was not fair that they were in this library, it's not crazy what we did and more to make room for other types of stories." , he added.

On the specific case of "Little Red Riding Hood", Tutzó said that "it must be contextualized when writing, how, why and what is its meaning." Nowadays, it is obviously irrelevant. This does not mean that it can be explained, in another way or in a historical perspective, at a certain age, but not in infants from 1 to 4 years of age ".

Overall, the goal is not to get out of the library of books considered chauvinistic. "Nothing has been removed, these stories are marked with things that can be commented on to develop a critical mind.What we can not claim is to develop a critical mind if, in childhood, we only teach one type of content, "warned Tutzó. "We want to introduce other types of stories, with other values, where diversity and other ways of relationship are presented," he said.

The initial announcement that children's texts were deleted has caused a surprise in Spain. He even entered the political debate three weeks before the general election. Santiago Abascal, the leader of the far-right VOX party, asked "what's the problem?" "I thought: the girl is sent to make a message, not the child, of course, the girl who makes recaditos instead of being an astronaut, is a demonstration of machismo and most of all the girl with a skirt and no pants, "he said political act.

There was also a statement of editorials for Spanish children. "Traditional tales are part of our cultural heritage," they say, stating that all literature, "the child included, reflects the world in which it is practiced, because it is known to those who love it. write and read it ". They also warned that "we believe that equality is favored by a critical light on tradition, rather than by its invisibilisation".

The figure of Little Red Riding Hood had already been used a year ago by a puppet company of Catalonia to raise awareness of gender violence.


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