"Real" Community Manager: Isabel II is looking for an expert to manage social networks


Influencer fashion arrived in the UK some time ago. But now, it seems, who wants to attend events, take selfies and get exchange products is nothing but Queen Elizabeth II. Buckingham Palace is looking for CM, Community Manager, someone who runs the networks of the 92-year-old monarch and the rest of the royal family.

Recall that just over a month ago, Isabel posted her first picture on Instagram.

Now, it seems, he was tired of looking for the right filter, putting hashtags or seeing the impact of his messages. That is why we are looking for an expert, knowing digital content, with experience of audience groups and formats, able to manage their networks.

The employee will earn about 30 thousand pounds a year "depending on the experience" and will work a little less than 8 hours a day: 37.5 hours Monday to Friday, according to the announcement of the job search. This says nothing about the possibility of exchanging the queen, setting up clubs or participating in viral campaigns.

The workplace is dreamed by many: Buckingham Palace. If you wish to apply, hurry: the search ends May 22 at 23:55.


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