Reality vs. fiction: that's how some of the facts that Luis Miguel portrayed were, the series



announced that he had the

Luis Miguel
To produce a biographical series, many imagined that they would see on the screen a sweetened, more complacent than trustworthy fiction about the life of the "Sun of Mexico." Fortunately, they were wrong.

Luis Miguel, the series
not only grossly depicted
The exploitation that the Mexican star suffered from his childhood from his father, Luis Rey, but also that he focuses on many conflicts that have marked his life. The abuse of alcohol, the girl who has denied for years and the sinister mystery that surrounds her
about the disappearance of his mother, Marcela Basteri, are some of the topics that appeared in the plot.

Either to exorcise their demons or to conceive
A masterpiece to revive his career, the idol opened his heart after a long period of silence, pain, myths and urban legends.
What truth is there in the facts that the fiction tells? Hard to determine, although there – thank you, YouTube! – an inescapable proof of the singer's past that can be opposed to what is shown in the series that ends tonight.

Warning: this note may contain spoilers. If you are not up to date with
Luis Miguel, the series we recommend you do not continue reading.

Episode 2: A star is born

Just when no one believed anything more Luisito Rey (Oscar Jaenada) and his career seemed to be definitely over, the Spanish singer discovered that the solution to all his economic problems was in his own house. Luis Miguel (Izan Llunas), his eldest son, had not only an angelic face of those who make the grandmothers vibrate, but also a privileged voice. Determined to stop "living on loan" and fleeing his own scams and tricks, Rey convinces his friend, actor Andrés García (León Peraza), to help him make presentations for the event. child. It is so that they arrive in Ciudad Juárez, the place where the small talent makes its first appearance on television.

Indeed, after performing in a cabaret in this northern Mexican city accompanied by his father on guitar, "Micky" 1981, when he was invited to the show directed by Arnoldo Cabada on Channel 44 from Ciudad Juárez. He was barely 11 years old and almost never opened his mouth to sing: it was Luisito Rey who took care to tell the story and make sure that the child did not He was not there because he had forced it, but because he wanted to be an artist. "Do you think that if we play" La Malagueña "?" He asks in a moment; the child pretends to think for a few seconds before showing his agreement and providing an interpretation that does not go unnoticed by those on each side of the screen.

Episode 2: King of Fried Potato

In the series, "Micky" is not at all convinced to sing odes to a fried potato and seek the way to escape the commitment badumed by his father. But the persuasive power of Luisito Rey eventually convinces that it's a good deal, in addition to tangling with promises that have never come true, like a duet with Michael Jackson himself. Thus, the singer sits one day at the piano, with a pack of Saboritas in front of him, singing a reversion of "You can not leave me like that" that celebrates the friendship and the crisp taste of the snack.

In real life, Luis Miguel was only 17 when he recorded advertising and was preparing to release his album
I am as I want to be (1987). The advertising scenario also included a group of fans celebrating the idol and a helicopter trip that brought him to meet his grandmother, in an attempt to make it clear that the boy did not lost its essence despite the popularity. [19659019] Luis Miguel, protagonist of an advertisement of potato chips – Source: YouTube


Episode 5: The Acapulco Accident

Bachelor, disgusted after his break with photographer Mariana Yazbek and eager to take full advantage of its huge popularity, The holidays They were commonplace in the house of Acapulco de Luismi. And there was, after a show, a fan who had been mistaken for a model. The girl had a very close encounter in her idol's bathroom, and was invited to continue the party on a disc. But all is badly done: in the middle of the night, with high levels of alcohol in the blood, "Micky" runs a "chopped" with his friends and ends up losing control of his car. The vehicle falls into the water and the young woman is saved alive, although unconscious, after spending a few minutes submerged.

The event occurred in 1988, although the presence of the fan seems to be a plot to add suspense. Announcer Jorge "El Burro" Van Rankin was one of the witnesses of the dramatic night that put the "Mexican sun" on the verge of death. Here is what he said in an interview: "It was at Miguel Alemán's house [otro de los amigos de Luis Miguel] When you entered the house, you went down a slope with stones that ended at a wharf where the boats were located.The guy put him in the sea we went out the windows imagine the barbarity the car was spoiled The truth is that the accident was very shocking. "

But this was not the only accident in which Luismi played. for those years. Shortly after, he hit his car while crossing Mexico with Van Rankin, Alemán and …

! "We were like a group, and it was very unexpected, because we were talking and suddenly we hit the car, the air bags exploded and one of them exploded in my face Remembers the telenovela diva a few weeks ago. "The man was very nervous, dismayed, I did not know what to do, I had to go record one thing for the Channel of Stars the next day," said the actress and singer, who eventually bleed from nose.

Rumors indicate that Luis Miguel and Thalía had a hot romance at the time, although this has never been confirmed – or refused – by either side. parts. The truth is that in 1993 they had a meeting on stage during the Acapulco Festival. We invite you to draw your own conclusions about the strange tension that is perceived between them.

Episode 8: Send me the pbadages!

Another uncomfortable moment: the phone call that Luismi received during that time. he was interviewed on television by Verónica Castro. It was in 1989, in the program
Here it is: and the actress used her sympathy to achieve a more intimate climate and get into thorny issues, such as paternity rumors that haunted the singer; even though he categorically denied it at that time, several years later
he publicly recognizes Michelle Salas as his daughter

But, returning to the interview, it is clear that the singer becomes a little nervous when Castro announces that he has a surprise call for him. "It's fine," she says, after a failed first connection attempt. "What, the call or the person?" He asks, perhaps believing that it could be his mother, Marcela Basteri, who is on the other side of the line. Three years had pbaded since "Micky" had seen her mother for the last time.

In fact, it was his brother Alex who was ready to surprise him. And, despite attempts to advance the conversation, it was clear that things between them were not quite right. According to what the series shows, the young man – who was then 17 – was eager to contact Luis Miguel for information about Marcela's whereabouts, and the idol was too absorbed by his work and nights.

The most tense moment occurs when the "Sun of Mexico" tells his brother to visit him and he answers in a whisper, from Miami: "Send me the notes

In this case, the fiction faithfully depicts what happened in reality

Episode 9: what a pair of birds

Two young teenage stars, gathered on the screen. The fantasies of Mexicans and Luis Miguel's disciples scattered around the world have sprung up in front of the premiere of
Fever of love the movie that played in 1985 with Lucerito

There was much talk of a loving awakening among the protagonists of the film, who were then 14 years old. The magazines were filled with pictures of them, and both were invited to play with the idea of ​​a romance so that people could not resist paying a movie ticket. The series, however, barely stops at this point, and barely lets out the relationship of complicity that established between them during filming.

"It's a myth, because we were very young." At that time, the boys were not as advanced as we are now, our hands did not transpire, "explained Lucerito sympathetically – today, better known as Lucero – a few weeks ago, ready to break the illusion once and for all. "The truth is that we did not hide to give us kisses, but we had a very paternal friendship at that age."

Episode 11: Marcela's Goodbyes

In the same chapter, two moments full of intensity follow one another. The first of them awakes sighs of tenderness, and shows Marcela Basteri come out on the stage of Luna Park to be honored by the prodigal son. The second, stops Luisito Rey by dividing the family, forcing his two older children to choose whether they want to go with him or stay with his mother. Pure cruelty, but consistent with the vile behavior that the character has maintained throughout the plot.

The truth is that this embrace between mother and son in front of thousands of Argentine fans has arrived. It was March 16, 1985. "Micky" had played there on August 17 of the previous year, at the beginning of the tour presenting his album
Word of honor . He returned home in December for a promotional tour, before performing at the San Remo Festival, then in February to participate in programs such as
Final of the good mood e
Hiperhumor in addition to giving a show in Córdoba

Basteri had a family in Argentina, which made young Luismi very comfortable whenever he arrived in the country . Surely, this also encouraged him to go on stage and accept the invitation, despite his low profile and the complicated personal moment that he was going through. He sang "Marcela" for her, who sat there, watching him captivated. It was the last time that the woman was seen in public: installed in Italy, she accepted in September 1986 to meet Luisito Rey in Madrid to sign some papers, then disappeared mysteriously.

It remains to be seen what answers will leave us the last episode that Netflix will have available tonight, starting from 23. For moment, there is no detail to know if the series will have a second season that focuses on the maturity of the "Sun of Mexico". At first sight, it does not seem necessary to run the risk that the drama, the suspense and the spirit of renewal that populated these 13 episodes need a continuity based almost exclusively on the singer's misadventures. .


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