Rebalance the system to prevent a new outage


Although, for the government, there is "no chance" of repeating the power outage on Sunday, the precautionary measures taken yesterday have clearly indicated that the development of the service would raise concerns over the next few days. .

The origin of the megafalla is still surrounded by mystery. Gustavo Lopetegui, secretary of the National Energy, admitted yesterday that Cammesa, the company that runs the national electricity system, will need 15 days to prepare a report.

"We can not make any badumptions about what happened because we do not have the necessary information," Lopetegui said at a press conference.

However, there is some evidence that the reduction could be related to an infrastructure problem in the 500 megawatt network.

Juan Luchilo, undersecretary of Electric Power, said that there were two simultaneous events in the transport, one in the high voltage line that connects Colonia Elías (Entre Ríos) and the Central Manuel Belgrano (Campana, Buenos Aires).

There is a second line, with a similar route and the same capacity, which is however deactivated by the displacement of high voltage towers on the Paraná Guazú river (originally, the work came from Isolux and are now carried out by Tel3 ).

The experts of the electrical system supposed yesterday that, Yaciretá producing up, all the electricity went through the first of the lines when the chain failure had been verified (a dynamic instability of the whole system) that left Argentina without electricity – except Tierra del Fuego – and the populated areas of Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil.

Demand was however very low, 14,000 megawatts, which is the mystery node that Cammesa must break through and to which the Energy Secretary referred.

Córdoba, like the others, was struck by this failure of the Sadi, but the first version that gave Epec energy for its own production systems was rejected. If that had been the case, with a failed national system developed at seven o'clock in the morning, no later than two hours later, the whole province would have regained its energy.

In order to restore service, Epec received energy from the Rosario Este – Almafuerte line and, just after the 17th, the last cutting areas of the province were powered.

Meanwhile, in a preventive manner, some plants remain out of order, as in the case of the three atomic systems.

Maria Teresa Puga. Electro-dependents will ask you an audience.

The impact on the province

On Sunday, the national power outage experienced the rapid pace of an emergency situation, which made it difficult to balance the most affected areas in all provinces and territories. .

The most affected people were people dependent on electricity. The Association of Independent Electricians of Córdoba (Adedc) issued a statement in which it had formally requested a formal hearing from the Under-Secretariat for the Disabled, the rehabilitation and inclusion of the province, directed by María Teresa Puga.

The meeting, if it came to fruition, would take place today and would require an emergency plan for possible situations and a greater speed in the placement of production equipment in order to avoid situations of anxiety, despair . and helplessness. "

"The work done by Epec was remarkable in giving priority to people with electro-dependence, and we regret that the Ministry of Health did not provide us with information during the day," said Nora Perello, Adedc's local representative. .

"At that time, five percent of the generators needed to cover the 600 families were placed, and they are doing so extremely slowly," said the referee.

Puga, the undersecretary for disability, said that during the breakdown, her region was working jointly with Epec.

"They asked for an oxygen tube from the energy company and we bought it from Salud," he said. "On the other hand, the placement of the generators is over five percent and it's a definitive solution," he said.

One of the observable problems at the origin of the failure is the lack of operation of the traffic lights. Adrián Cena, undersecretary of the municipality of Córdoba, said the traffic light network was being restored. "He intervened in 35 traffic lights for manual reprogramming and the control center was put into service, which was turned off to prevent damage," he said.

In the coming days, synchronization in the avenues and main arteries will resume normal operation. In this sense, Cena stressed the caution of motorists and pedestrians: "No claim has been registered".

From the Directorate of Civil Defense of the province made it clear that there were no major problems.

Printed edition

The original text of this article was published on 18/06/2019 in our print edition.


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