received the AstraZeneca vaccine and within days he was swollen with blood


While British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has warned of a new wave of COVID-19 infections in the UK this year, and despite the progress of the English vaccination program in which more than 43 million doses have already been applied, one story makes headlines in UK newspapers.

It is a mother who claimed her legs burst into painful blood-filled blisters after receiving the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine.

Sarah Beuckmann, from Glasgow, said she was suffering from flu-like symptoms after receiving her first dose in mid-March, a very common side effect. But the 34-year-old started to experience a very different feeling from everything: tingling in the legs just a week later. and noticed a rash around her ankles.

Beuckmann's legs were the part of his body most affected.

Beuckmann’s legs were the part of his body most affected.

As the Daily Mail reports, immediately afterwards he saw that his ankles were starting to be surrounded by a incipient rash. She called the GP to make an appointment, but that afternoon she already had blisters on her skin. The woman was then rushed to Queen Elizabeth University Hospital. “I thought they were going amputate legs“, he claimed.

Beuckmann spent 16 days in the hospital. During this dramatic hospitalization, blisters also appeared on her hands, face, arms, buttocks and back. She was sent home to recover, but is in a wheelchair because it is difficult for her to walk due to the leg bandages and blisters on the soles of the feet.

Specialized dermatologists told MailOnline that the woman suffered from a extremely rare reaction to the vaccine.

Beuckmann was very clear: he urged the British to get vaccinated, but said he told his story to raise awareness, “not to scare people”. Given the clinical picture, her doctor recommended that the second dose has not been given because of your reaction.

Today, Beuckmann is in a wheelchair unable to move because of the blisters he still has on the soles of both feet.

Today, Beuckmann is in a wheelchair unable to move because of the blisters he still has on the soles of both feet.

It is not known why Beuckmann received the vaccine, as the campaign in Scotland is currently targeting the over 50 years (She is under that age) so it is assumed that the woman might have pre-existing problems or be a patient at risk and that is why she was called for the vaccine.

Morphine for pain

“During the first eight or nine days I took a lot of morphine, but gradually I started to give up the stronger substances. The blisters are starting to heal and they look a lot better than they used to be. When they got worse, at first they got bigger until they all merged, “said the woman, who currently he gets around in a wheelchair.

More than 33 million Britons, or three in five adults, have already received at least one dose of a vaccine. At least 20 million received an AstraZeneca injection, which according to drug regulators causes a rash in 1%. The rashes tend to go away on their own within a week, which was not the case with Beuckmann, who has been with this problem for almost 20 days.

The UK on Tuesday reported 33 new deaths from Covid-19 and 2,524 infections. The number of patients hospitalized across the country for the disease has dropped to less than 2000, far from the nearly 40,000 reached last January.

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