Record and tragedy: Mountaineers died after a historic day on Everest


A Nepalese mountain guide died Friday on Mount Everest, bringing the number of deaths this season to the highest summit in the world to seven, confirmed the authorities of the country.

Dhurba Bista, a 33-year-old guide, got sick at 7,200 meters in Camp 3, while guiding his clients on the mountain, said his employer, Anil Bhattarai, of Himalayan Ecstasy Treks.

Bista was flown to base camp, where doctors pronounced him dead. The guide's death is the seventh of Everest during the spring climbing season, which extends from April to May.

Four Indians, two women and two men died during their descent after climbing the summit, when hundreds of mountaineers struggled to climb the highest peak in the world while weather conditions permitted.

Nihal Bagwan, a 27-year-old Indian mountaineer who was part of a two-member expedition, died in camp four after coming down from the summit on Thursday night, said Babu Sherpa, the organizer of the 39; shipping.

Kalpana Das, a 53-year-old Indian woman who was part of an expedition of women from three different countries, died Thursday, while 53-year-old Anjali Kulkarni, who was returning from the height of Everest, died Wednesday.

An American mountaineer and an Indian climber also died this month on the descent of Everest, and another Irish mountain climber who has disappeared is presumed dead on the mountain.

Babu Sherpa, director of Peak Promotion, said the overcrowding has encumbered the road from Camp 4 to the summit. "Everyone was trying to climb at the same time," he said.

Hundreds of climbers attempt to climb Mount Everest and other peaks of the Himalayas during the spring climbing season. Five mountaineers died on Everest last year.


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