Record foreign tourists in June and first half


Some 431,500 tourists entered Argentina last June on all roads and 3.7 million in the first half. The Ministry of Tourism said that it was a historic record for both periods.

The data was published Tuesday by the National Institute of Statistics and Census (Indec).

Figures show annual growth of 16.8% for the last month of measurement and 9.7% for the first six months of the year.

Of the total arrivals during the semester, 1,528,600 were made by air, which also represents the best semester in the history of the country's airports, with an interannual increase of 20.8%.

(AP / File)

The International Tourism Survey (ITT), provided monthly by Indec two months after the expiry of this period, indicates that only 217,000 tourists entered by air in June, with an increase of 23.7% decrease compared to May. 5 percent.

In the same month, the number of departures of residents abroad reached 324,600, with a year-to-year decrease of 3.4% and 0.9% compared to the previous month of May. months, a deficit of 107,600 pbadengers by air.

The half – year balance was also negative since, against 1,528,600 foreign arrivals, 2,141,300 resident departures were recorded, representing a decrease of 16.2% in this last segment.

The majority of foreign tourists came from Brazil, with 74,600 arrivals and an increase of 30.8% year-on-year, followed by the group of "Rest of America" ​​countries, which contributed for less than half of the total. 33,000 Increase of 19.1% over the previous June, and Europe was the third largest issuer, with 29,500 and an increase of 9.1%.

By the airports

The airports of Ezeiza and Buenos Aires, Jorge Newbery, accounted for 89.1% of the total number of tourists arriving by plane, with 194,200 arrivals, or 23.9% more than in June 2018.

At other air stations across the country, average annual growth was 22.3%. The main issuing countries were Chile, Brazil and the "Rest of America", in that order.

International Pbad Cristo Redentor and the Port of Buenos Aires

Commenting on these STI figures, tourism secretary Gustavo Santos said in a statement: "We are continuing our efforts to consolidate the activity of the tourism sector and its contribution to the national economy, looking towards the future, indicating to Argentina that we have proposed to build from the beginning of our management ".

The TSI includes data on the Cristo Redentor International Pbad and the Port of Buenos Aires for the second quarter of the year. There were also increases over the same period in 2018 and the international tourism deficit was maintained.

(Telam / File)

For the Argentina-Chile tunnel in the province of Mendoza, the number of arrivals during the period is estimated at about 45,700, with a year-on-year increase of 3.1% and 69,700 departures, with down 43.6% and a negative balance of 24,000 tourists

For the Buenos Aires River Station, he indicates that it was the gateway to 60,800 foreign tourists in the second quarter, or 8.5% more than in the same quarter of 2018, and that 80 300 residents left, with a decrease of 20, 5% and a deficit of 19,600 pbadengers.


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