Record of fires in Amazon and Bolsonaro blame foreign NGOs – Telam


Fire in the Amazon

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has today denounced the possibility that environmental organizations have caused fires in the Amazon region, which have increased by 80% this year compared to 2018, while his Minister of Energy and Energy has been the target of a fire. Environment, Ricardo Salles, was booed and repudiated. at a United Nations meeting on climate change in Salvador de Bahia.

According to data published by local media and based on satellite data from the National Institute of Space Research (INPE), forest fires increased by 82% compared to the same period in 2018, a record figure since 2013 surveys on the phenomenon, with 52% of fires concentrated in the Brazilian Amazon.

INPE has been responsible for 72,000 homes since January, including 9,500 in the past week.

In a speech in Brasilia, Bolsonaro said that these fires, caused mainly by human actions, "could have been provoked by NGOs because they lost the money they received."


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