Record of infections in Israel and the tragedy for those who do not get vaccinated



Israel recorded a new record of Covid-19 infections, a total of 11,365 until midnight Thursday, while ramping up the vaccination campaign with the third dose that nearly 2.5 million people have already been applied for. stop the fourth wave of the pandemic.

Although the country, which came to bring infections to almost zero after an initial successful and rapid vaccination campaign, has now strung three maximum daily infections this week, above 11,000, and the positivity rate is rising at 8.4%, below the 10% it exceeded. in previous waves.

Hospitalizations are also lower in this fourth wave. Most of those seriously ill with Covid are unvaccinated people, a group that, along with the contagious delta variant, is one of the causes of this new wave in Israel, as there are more than 1.1 million. , or 20% of the adult population.

Since the start of the pandemic, Israel has passed 1.1 million coronavirus cases and 7,120 deaths, out of a population of 9.3 million.

The number of people vaccinated with the third dose of Pfizer has increased, with nearly 2.5 million more Israelis with this booster dose and more than 5.5 with the full schedule of two injections.

La mayoría de las personas que se han aplicado la tercera dosis son mayores de 50 años, aunque desde principio de esta semana Israel la autorizó para toda la población apta para la vacuna, que es from los doce años, coincidiendo con el inicio del school year.

One factor for optimism is that as the percentage of people inoculated with the third dose increased, the contagion curve began to decline among the age groups that received it first.

The new peak in infections coincides with the start of the school year on Wednesday, which saw 2.5 million children return to classrooms, which function normally in most of the country but require students, parents and others. school staff Present vaccination certificates or negative coronavirus tests before entering. (EFE)


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