Reduced flights to avoid the entry of new strains – News


The government formalized this Saturday the decision to reduce the frequency of flights from abroad in order to minimize air contact with countries with high circulation of new strains.

The measure had been anticipated by sources from Casa Rosada and was formalized by administrative decision 219/2021, published this Saturday in the Official Journal.

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In addition, The restrictions that already existed for arrivals from the United States were increased by 10% and by 20% for flights from Brazil, after it was confirmed that the border closure with the neighboring country was not being analyzed.

“Argentines will be discouraged from traveling to countries with high infection and death rates. Air traffic abroad will be further reduced. Controls on people arriving from abroad will be deepened: PCR and monitoring of the ‘isolation,’ they indicated the official sources consulted.

In this sense, the published administrative decision, signed by the chief of staff, Santiago Cafiero, and the ministers of health, Carla Vizzotti, and of the interior, Eduardo “Wado” De Pedro, He reiterated recommendations to postpone travel abroad, especially for those over 60 or people in risk groups.

The measure came after the country’s health ministers last Monday analyzed the internal and external epidemiological and health situation, and recommended “to discourage travel to areas where new strains of coronavirus are circulating.”

According to an official statement, at the meeting of the Federal Health Council last Monday, the holders of the provincial health portfolios “assessed the possibility of adopting new measures at the borders”.

In addition, they analyzed “the adoption of controls for carriers entering the country and agreed on the need to strengthen compliance controls for the isolation of travelers in order to mitigate the impact of the introduction of strains. with greater transmissibility ”.

In this context, “the referents of the various jurisdictions declared that it is important to keep the cases stabilized since all the provinces are committed to extending the vaccination against the Covid-19 in the priority groups”.


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