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US $ 4,200 million of soybean crop lost due to drought

Harvest produced losses of 1.2 million hectares and a national yield of 2,140 kg per hectare .

Editorial El Litoral

] [email protected]

The last soybean crop ended with a total production of 36 million tonnes, reflecting a 37.4% drop in because of the drought that caused a loss of about $ 4,200. The result has meant the lowest harvest since the 2008-2009 drought, which totaled 32 million tons, said the Buenos Aires Cereals Exchange

The soybean harvest has ended on a surface with 18,000,000 hectares. The report indicated that the crop had resulted in losses of 1.2 million hectares and a national yield of 2,140 kilos per hectare, 33% less than the end of the previous cycle which was 3,190 kilos per hectare. way.

estimates from the Institute of Economic Studies of the Grain Exchange, the GDP of the soybean chain

will be 26% lower in 2018 than would have been achieved if early expectations prevailed of the agricultural cycle were respected, from $ 16,213 million in the initial scenario to $ 12,010 million in the drought. Therefore, according to the data, in terms of the economy as a whole, the decline in the value added of the soybean chain represents a 0.6% decline in Argentinian GDP for 2018, according to the IMF. 19659005] In the June Market Expectations Survey, published by the Central Bank, badysts were anticipating that this year the economy would only experience a 0.5% growth, with inflation by 30%, data down from May report

Soybean results are mainly due to the high summer water deficit that affected most of the national agricultural region for more than eight weeks, compromising agricultural production. state of culture in its critical stages of reproduction. On the other hand, according to the SAP, the good weather conditions and the end of the soybean harvest have made good progress in the maize harvest for commercial grain.

In the last seven days the crop has reached 63% of the eligible area, marking an inter-weekly advance of 7.4 percentage points

As regards the yields collected, they remain below initial expectations in the province of Cordoba. For the 2018-19 crop year, planting of wheat and barley continues to grow throughout the country and more than 5,300,000 hectares have already been planted with both cereals. The most advanced wheat plots in their phenological cycle pbad through the spica stages and are concentrated mainly in the NOA region, where the moisture condition varies between regular and rare. At the same time, on the forage cores of southern Buenos Aires the cultivation condition is adequate and the cereal is between emergence and foliar differentiation.

Pig industry alert

"The situation in the hog sector is terminal," says LT 9 Dardo Scorti, a pork producer in the city of Nelson. The interviewee criticized the national government's economic policy and argued that "if it goes on like that in six months, 50% of primary production disappears." At the pace of this economic policy, the situation in the sector is terminal, "he said.

He explains that since December 2015, we have eliminated deductions, devaluations, imports and we are also affected by the latest tax reform. The costs today are enormous. Pigs eat in dollars, and we sell meat in pesos. We have a period of one and a half years in the price. It's terrible, "said Scorti.

He also noted that 99 percent of the country's swine production is for domestic consumption and that very few companies manage to export." We have a production cost of 31 pesos and we sell it for 26 pesos. This leads to a failure situation, "he added.

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