Reform in the Armed Forces: they provide for the purchase of new submarines to replace the ARA San Juan


-25% of the national territory is the sea of ​​Argentina, and this has a preponderant economic importance, not only for illegal fishing, but also for the seabed, where there is the possibility of exploit natural resources such as oil. new gas and minerals. In the world, already for several decades, there is a growing conflict over the sovereignty of the waters. To have a submarine aims to defend, preserve and secure a large part of the national territory. Remember that the ARA San Juan patrolled the Argentine Sea by photographing and filming illegal fishing. This is what the new submarines will continue to do, and before that maybe those who are under repair. The Salta ARA, for example, which became, after the loss of the ARA San Juan, the only operational submarine of the Navy, has serious flaws and can not navigate. The Santa Cruz ARA, next to the Salta in the Tandanor Shipyards, has some of its parts "cannibalized" because they were used, for example, in the missing San Juan ARA – he has answered.

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