Regulation of the use of electric guns for security forces | Chronic


The Ministry of Security has regulated the use of non-lethal electronic weapons by members of the federal police and security forces.

The measure was provided for in Resolution 395/2019, published in the Official Journal and signed by the Minister. Patricia Bullrich, and comes after the portfolio announced last January the purchase of taser guns to use, at the beginning, the stations and airports.

In this context, the holders of the federal police, the airport security police, the navy prefecture and the national gendarmerie were informed "proceed to the immediate implementation of specific training courses on the use of non-lethal electronic weapons".

In the recitals of the provision, it is stated that the incorporation of these weapons "will address operational situations in which it is necessary to use force without the use of firearms, constituting an intermediate means to exercise a rational and progressive use of force in the context of confrontations with violent or threatening people ".

He also points out that "The international regulations and doctrine show the results obtained in medical and technical studies conducted in prestigious universities (…), where it is concluded that the use of electronic weapons has not deadly effects on people ".

In the annex to the resolution of the Ministry of Security, it is decided that non-lethal electronic weapons will be used in the following cases: "Immobilize, arrest or prevent the escape of those who manifest an imminent danger of hurting others or injuring themselves, when self-defense or third parties must be exercised, or prevent the commission of a crime of public action..

Similarly, in another point of the Regulation, it is clear that "In the face of the need to use non-lethal electronic weapons, the federal police and security officers must identify themselves aloud and warn of their immediate intervention, unless there is a risk of injuring others or if it results from it – patently inappropriate or useless given the circumstances of the case. ".


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