Rejection of the decree of Macri declaring Hezbollah …


After President Mauricio Macri announced that he would sign a decree in the coming days to declare the terrorist organization Hezbollah
, the Arab community came to express its "profound regret and consternation for the grave and damaging diplomatic, security and political effects that would result from the application of such a measure".

The Confederation of Argentine Arab Entities, Fearab Argentina, issued a stern statement in which it described the president's decision as "disturbing", which will be part of the state secretary's visit. Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo, and a New Anniversary of the AMIA bombing.

The collective of more than 350 entities of Argentine citizens of third, fourth and fifth generations of descendants of immigrants has drawn up a detailed report of the consequences of the attitude of the government macrist:

  1. This would defeat the historical position of the Argentine Republic's impartiality in diplomatic mattersas well as its traditional attachment to international law and the Charter of the United Nations, which prohibit any outside interference in the affairs of sovereign States.
  2. This would affect Argentina's position in the bilateral, respectful and interdependent bilateral relations between Argentina and Lebanon that date back to the birth of the modern Lebanese state 76 years ago. Unlike internationally recognized extremist groups such as Al Qaeda, ISIS or Al Nusra Front, which do not seem to worry about this initiative, the Lebanese political movement Hezbollah is an official political party. with the current participation in the government of the Lebanese Republic, chaired by President Michel Aoun, and with a presence of 13 seats out of the 128 of the Levant nation's parliament.
  3. This would be a somewhat desirable path of bias in one of the largest and most complex international conflicts. as well as the one afflicting the Arab Middle East and the so-called enlarged Middle East; to import in turn problems of an external conflict that are not his own.
  4. In addition, the decision of such a clear positioning of Argentina in the face of the agendas and pressures of the United States of America and the State of Israel, to be adopted by decree and not by the logical and necessary debate in the natural environment that is the legislative power, would constitute a step forward in the weakening of the democratic process of the Argentine Republic, as well as the fundamental sovereign independence of our country in the decision-making process on foreign policy.
  5. In the domestic and citizen sphere, the informed and imminent person creation of the so-called National Register of Persons and Organizations Suspected of Terrorism (RENAPOST), oriented in practice exclusively towards the aforementioned Lebanese political party, open the door to new manifestations of unjustified persecution by national security apparatus, honorable members of our community, as was the case recently with two sad episodes as part of the G20 visit in November 2018, not to mention other previous cases of lesser intensity but equally disturbing.

Repudiation of the attack of AMIA

Referring to a new anniversary of the Jewish Mutual's 1994 attack, the Fearab expressed its rejection of the "aberrant attack" of the victim of Argentine society "as a whole", while reiterating his "unconditional solidarity with the parents of the 85 innocent victims who lost their lives." In addition, he ratified his request "for a necessary clarification with justice, whose sad delay only made it detrimental to all Argentine citizens ".

In this context, they warned that "the absence of legal solution to this catastrophic event has led us to endure for 25 years a series of unfair persecutions and unfounded suspicions regarding the reputation and honor of many. Argentines of Syrian and Lebanese descent, of an important sector of the same kind, all in the framework of spooky creations of politicians or pseudo-policemen such as the famous concepts of "Syrian track" or "track" Iranian "".

The text – signed by Susana Iskandar Yedid, vice president of Fearab in charge of the presidency, and Tamara Lalli, secretary of Political Action – adds a request to the Argentine state to review and d & # 39; annul this decision "which, far from benefiting Argentina, will represent a potential source of damage to the national social fabric".

"In this context, we are again concerned with the intention of providing the national state with tools that encourage recidivism in practices such as those mentioned, which are not in conformity with the state. of law of a democratic society and only succeed in inserting them into society: unnecessary, harmful and avoidable germs of hatred and discrimination between brothers and sisters ", concludes the public letter.


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