Relatives of Peña Nieto’s lawyer under investigation for hiding 2.8 million euros in Andorra


Juan Collado was arrested at the end of 2019 for money laundering (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Juan Collado was arrested at the end of 2019 for money laundering (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

Everything seems to indicate that Juan Ramon Collado, who was the lawyer for the former PRI president Enrique Peña Nieto and today he is imprisoned in Reclusorio Norte for money laundering, is not the only member of your family What is wrong with this blocked bank accounts in Andorra, one of the tax havens in Europe.

And it is that this July 8, it was announced that both his sister and his brother-in-law, Lucia Collado and Mario Andrade, appeared as holders of an account at Banca Privada d’Andorra (BPA) who recorded, between 2015 and 2017, a total of 2.87 million euros (around 50 million pesos), so they are under investigation for suspected money laundering.

According to a survey by the Spanish newspaper The country, the couple used partnerships in Mexico and Hong Kong to simulate textile trade operations and hide your money in the Principality. The companies are: Grupo Corporativo Uror SA de C. V, Grupo Rilato, SA de CV, Blick Aus SA, de CV and Loom Textil México SA, de CV

Facade of the Banca Privada d'Andorra (Photo: Twitter @ DrBicentenario)
Facade of the Banca Privada d’Andorra (Photo: Twitter @ DrBicentenario)

“The sister of the famous lawyer and her husband are the subject of an investigation in the context of the case opened in the European Principality against Collado for an alleged offense of money laundering. An order by Judge María Ángeles Moreno on allegedly irregular million dollar transactions includes Lucia Collado and Andrade among the Dutch and Hong Kong people and companies under investigation. The judicial resolution, of July 2019, orders the seizure of suspicious accounts “

It should be mentioned that this is a similar scheme the one that Juan Ramón Collado used to deposit more than $ 7 million to their account.

In addition, the Andorran authorities realized that the couple had received a transfer from $ 247,000 a Panamanian company of Joan marc masson, the first person in charge of BPA in Mexico.

Mario Andrade, a graduate in business administration, explained to the bank’s compliance department – the body that decides whether or not to cancel deposits from suspicious customers – that the 2.87 million he transferred to his account came from savings, payroll, company bonuses and the benefits of a family partnership. In Know Your Client (KYC), the form that customers must fill out, Andrade wrote that he chose to deposit his money in this bank for “confidentiality, security and to maximize returns.”

Facade of a credit house of Libertad Servicios Financieros, whose president was lawyer Juan Collado (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Facade of a credit house of Libertad Servicios Financieros, whose president was lawyer Juan Collado (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

The bank’s analysts defined in their file the lawyer’s brother-in-law as “the trusted man of Juan Ramón Collado, VIP client of the bank”, who had indicated earn $ 40,678 per month (around one million pesos) as a company employee Collado & Associates and that an additional 5 thousand euros (100 thousand pesos) from the controversial company Queretaro entered Freedom Financial Services.

In the account opening documents, Lucía Collado introduced herself as housewife and graduate in communication. The compliance department listed as “High risk” the opening of the account of the two.

According to the newspaper, Andorra has already asked Mexico for a request for legal aid in which he required commercial information and Criminal record of Lucía Collado and her husband.

Juan Collado remains in the Northern Prison, Mexico City (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Juan Collado remains in the Northern Prison, Mexico City (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

The investigation against Juan Ramón Collado in Andorra was reopened in 2019 after the lawyer was arrested in Mexico for money laundering and organized delinquency. The investigating judge of the case in the European country then decided seize the lawyer $ 93 million and reactivate investigations that began in 2015 and were dropped three years later when the then Mexican Attorney General’s Office (PGR) “vindicated” the origin of the controversial attorney’s fortune.

However, the current Attorney General’s Office (FGR) has already investigate those responsible of these exculpatory reports.


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