Remains exhumed in Ecuadorian town believed to have belonged to 7-meter giants


In Ecuador, the bones of giant human beings have been discovered.
In Ecuador, the bones of giant human beings have been discovered.

Giants have become fantastic characters that appear in children’s stories and films, but there are those who argue that giant humans existed in the pre-flood stage of history. But is there an argument to prove its existence? Historical notes, charts made by ancient observers, and even large human bones could all testify that huge humans roamed the planet.

The Agathyr, an enigmatic civilization of the Scythian tribe, in 3,500 BC they built an underground system of tunnels known as the Hyperborea Gallery. This construction was hidden for thousands of years until it was discovered in the 1970s by a group of archaeologists, in present-day Rosia Montana, Romania. However, The great find was not the underground system but the human remains that were said to be 10 meters high.

The legend of the giants of Agathyr is not the only one. The other end of the world. In southern Ecuador, a small town near the border with Peru has witnessed the incredible. Locals say giant human bones were recovered from there. Many of them are believed to be in private collections around the world.

One of the people who would have preserved these bones was the priest Carlos Miguel Vaca Alvarado, born in 1912, in Shop, Ecuador. The bones, which were in his possession until his death in 1999, were found in the small town called Changaimina, a parish of the canton Gonzana, from the same province, located 755 kilometers from Quito, the capital of Ecuador.

Changaimina delivery of back voces kichwas: “changa“Who refers to”leg“, In particular to the femur or in general to human bones, and”Mine“Which means deposit. With curiosity, a bones repository can also be a cemetery or a place where the bones of the deceased lie.

In 1965, Father Vaca was assisted by a group of 25 people who explored and searched the ground where the body of a giant lay. There they found the remains of his head, then the trunk and finally the limbs. The discovery coincided with the old name of the small town: Changaimina. Where the city-cemetery of the gods could have existed.

The priest was passionate about archeology. This hobby and the legends told by the inhabitants of the region led him to the discovery of these remains.

Reconstructed skeleton with bones found in Ecuador exhibited in Jungfrau Park in Switzerland.
Reconstructed skeleton with bones found in Ecuador exhibited in Jungfrau Park in Switzerland.

Vaca’s collection contained the bones of seven-meter-tall giants that inhabited Ecuador and other parts of America thousands of years ago. According to newspaper reports, some of the bone fragments were sent to Instituto Smithsoniano in Washington DC for further analysis.

Fragments of giants found in Ecuador in the 1960s can be seen today in Jungfrau Park in Switzerland. Other bones from this collection are on display in the private museum of Austrian paranormal investigator Klaus Dona.

The giants of history

In mythology, the existence of giants is a constant. In the biblical account there is the Philistine Goliath, who was six cubits tall and a wingspan or the equivalent of nearly three meters. Or the Nephilim race of fallen gods and sons of gods. According to Helena’s version, there are 12 Titans, led by Cronos, who fought against his father Uranus at the behest of his mother Gaea. You can also read the 7-meter-high Sumerian epic of King Gilgamesh which already mentions the Universal Flood.

In South America, maybe the most famous of all the vernacular stories recorded in written testimony concerns the Patagonians. These creatures were recorded in the diaries of the Portuguese sailor Ferdinand of Magellan in his search for a passage between the Atlantic and the Pacific, the strait he discovered and which today bears his name.

“We saw a man near the beach who was so big our head barely reached his size,” he wrote at the time. Antonio Pigafetta, faithful sailor Magallanes. They called them “Patagones”, Due to the excessive size of his feet. From there derives the word Patagonia which gives its name to the Argentine region.

The famous British privateer and slave trader Mr. Francis Drake he personally met the giant of Patagonia attesting to the testimony of the Portuguese navigator: “Magellan did not lie at all when he called them giants, in general they differ from ordinary man, both in stature, size and strength of body, as in the ugliness of their voices: but they do not are not monstrous and gigantic, as they were represented “.

Illustration from the book
Illustration taken from the book “Mundus Subterraneus” by the Jesuit Athanasius Kircher (1601-1680).

Dutch explorer Jacob Le Maine he crossed South America in 1615 and left a map of the Puerto Deseado region in Argentine Patagonia. In the cartographic explanations, a strange detail emerges: describes the H point as the place “where they found the burial site of a giant, whose bones were between ten and eleven feet long.”, that is to say more than three meters.

The Spanish Jesuit, anthropologist and naturalist José de Acosta, who first landed on Española Island in the Galapagos Archipelago in 1571, to begin his journey ashore from Peru in 1572, he wrote in his Natural history of India What The Chichimecas, original peoples of Mexico, were giants “who tore branches from trees as one removed leaves of lettuce”.

For its part, Juan de Velasco, an Ecuadorian Jesuit, stood out in his Ancient history of the Kingdom of Quito from 1789 that “Manta was at the beginning of the Christian era the scene of the terrifying race of giants“And detailed the spectacular sizes of skeletons and footprints found in present-day Manabí, the Santa Elena peninsula and in the territories of Caranquis, Imbabura belong to the same giants referenced in biblical texts.

These testimonies are corroborated with the most recent discoveries of another priest, Father Carlos Miguel Vaca, which coincide with other identical discoveries around the world. Changaimina, the City Cemetery of the Gods remains hidden, despite the testimonies of explorers and archaeologists. Contemporary science still owes humanity an explanation.


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