Renzo delights us all | Chronic


Renzo Oliva, the 2-year-old child from Entre Rios who had retinopathy of prematurity at birth, went with his family to China, where he will undergo stem cell therapy to see him.

After so many difficulties, the parents of the child, Javier and Carla, they learned of the existence of stem cell-based treatment in the Asian country and since then they have organized various solidarity events in order to collect money and give to the child a better quality of life.

This is how the boy left Paraná, his city, accompanied by his parents and a couple who proposed to take them to the airport. Before the trip, the couple spoke to the media and expressed their gratitude to everyone who helped raise the $ 50,000 needed for the treatment.

Besides the help of a lot of people, the Bunny Javier Saviola, whose wife is from Entre Ríos, was responsible for donating the tickets so that the family arrived more quickly to collect all the money.

"It was an incredible gesture, the phone exploded, people called us to organize events, we went to the park and we offered to help, in addition to the help of football players, our friends , our businesses and our family, " Oliva thanked them.

The flight departed at 18:05 from the Ezeiza Airport in Frankfurt. From there, they continued their journey to Beijing, where they will stay 15 days so that the child will be treated with the illusion that he will see the face of his parents for the first time. "We have the best expectations, we go with a lot of faith," they said.

"At first we thought it was a lot of money and we said that if we succeed well, but again, it will be, but fortunately, people's reaction has been good and we have managed to do it very quickly "said Javier.

While Carla said: "We are going with a translator who will accompany us when we will be with the doctors and they will accompany us once to the supermarket, the rest of the time we will have to make arrangements as we can, we go with a lady from Santa Fe, so we are going to have Someone to talk to "

If all goes well, they will return to Buenos Aires on April 3 and stay there so that Renzo can start with "Recovery and stimulation".


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