Repression in Venezuela: military tanks invade mass protesters


of the uprising called by the president in charge of


Juan Guaidó,

and after the denunciation of the government

Nicolás Maduro

of a coup d'etat, the military that make up the ranks of Chavez
They took to the streets with vehicles and began to crush the protesters gathered in the streets of Caracas.

In images that have been viralized in social networks, published by
News Caracol, you see how tank-type trucks, or "tanks", rush on the demonstration without slowing down. Early in the morning, Guaidó was voiced in the area of ​​the La Carlota military base and had called on Venezuelans to come for help.

According to the same news portal, shots were also fired at protesters on a bridge near the armed forces base. The civilians had to throw themselves on the ground so as not to be hurt.

The Maduro government said that it had already managed to quell a "new coup attempt", but that its forces are maintaining repression in Caracas. For his part, Defense Minister General Vladimir Padrino López said the uprising was "controlled" and that the armed forces remained loyal to Maduro.

However, on average
On an eventful day, there are still scenes of repression in the main avenues of Caracas. "We are here today, we are going to resist here," Guaidó had said a few hours earlier, surrounded by hundreds of followers in the Plaza de Altamira and escorted by National Guard officers, soldiers and soldiers. Aviación and agents of Bolivian intelligence services. the air to warn the revolutionary forces.


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