Repression intensifies in Cuba: open letter from opponents to world leaders for the kidnapping of Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara


Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, artist, dissident and leader of the San Isidro movement (EFE)
Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, artist, dissident and leader of the San Isidro movement (EFE)

In open letter addressed, among others, to Pope Francis, the UN Secretary General, Joe Biden, the European Parliament and “to all people of good will”Cuban opposition leaders demanded the release of Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, the artist kidnapped by the regime.

Today, the leader of the San Isidro movement was forcibly admitted to a Havana hospital after more than seven days of hunger and thirst strike. The regime did not explain how he had removed him from his home or under what conditions. Hours go by and nothing is known about him.

“In the early morning of May 2, 2021, in Havana, the repressive forces of the one-party regime in force in Cuba, kidnapped the young dissident artist. According to official sources, they have it at the Calixto García General University Hospital and there is no sign of malnutrition, with the presence of normal clinical and biochemical parameters. The Castro-Communist regime and its media lie and defame in every statement on the peaceful Cuban opposition. How to believe them this time? », Denounce the signatories, including renowned activists Berta Soler Fernández and José Daniel Ferrer García.

In the text, they warn that Otero Alcántara’s life is in serious danger, not only because of the risks of its prolonged hunger and thirst strike, but also “because of the excessive hatred that the regime professes towards those who defend human rights and dare to confront it with firmness and courage. by non-violent methods of struggle ”.

As a dramatic background, they cite the cases of Orlando Zapata Tamayo in 2010 and Wilman Villar Mendoza in 2012: “Both died in medical establishments during a hunger strike, after having suffered cruel and inhuman treatment and unsanitary conditions in the island’s prisons ”.

“Those of us who respect and value the life of every human being, defend fundamental human rights and freedoms, and love truth and justice, we cannot remain silent or look away from the serious and flagrant violations of human rights perpetrated by the regime of Miguel Díaz-Canel, current first secretary of the Communist Party and “president” of the Republic of Cuba “, they denounce.

Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara created a "vile garrote" denounce the repressive policies of the Cuban regime
Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara has created a “vile stick” to denounce the repressive policies of the Cuban regime

Finally, they appeal to the international community: “Saving the life of Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara is everyone’s duty!”

The open letter bears the signatures of Berta Soler Fernández, representative of the Ladies in White; Martha Beatriz Roque Cabello, economist and former prisoner of conscience; José Daniel Ferrer García, General Coordinator of UNPACU; Iván Hernández Carrillo, from the Association of Independent Trade Unions of Cuba, ASIC; Arianna López Roque, of the ¨Julio Machado¨ Academy; Ángel Moya Acosta, former prisoner of conscience. Félix Navarro Rodríguez, from the Party for Democracy “Pedro Luis Boitel”; Juan Alberto de la Nuez Ramírez, from the Citizen Movement for Reflection and Reconciliation, MCRR; Roberto López Ramos, from the College of Independent Teachers of Cuba, CPIC; Yanisbel Valido Pérez, from the “Leoncio Vidal” civic command; Pastor Alaín Toledano Valiente and Pastor Yoel Demetrio Asprón Morales.

The complete letter:

Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara’s life is in grave danger. We demand the faith of life and the end of repression.

Open letter to:

Papa Francisco,

António Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations,

Joe Biden and other representatives of the current US administration,

Josep Borrell, and other representatives of the European Commission,

European Parliament,

American Congress,

Heads and parliaments of democratic nations,

Organizations that defend human rights,

Bishops, priests and lay Catholics of Cuba,

Pastors, Churches and Evangelical faithful,

Peaceful opposition, independent civil society and the Cuban people,

All people of good will:

In the early morning hours of May 2, 2021, in Havana, the repressive forces of the one-party regime in force in Cuba kidnapped the young dissident artist Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, leader of the San Isidro movement, who is on hunger strike and the thirst to protest against the constant and growing violations of their fundamental rights and the intensification of repression and police sieges against opponents, artists and independent journalists. According to official sources, they have it at the “General Calixto García” University Hospital and “there is no sign of malnutrition, with the presence of normal clinical and biochemical parameters”. The Castro-Communist regime and its media lie and defame in every statement on the peaceful Cuban opposition. How to believe them this time?

Cuban dissident has been on hunger strike since regime forces destroyed and stole his artwork
Cuban dissident has been on hunger strike since regime forces destroyed and stole his artwork

What is really certain is that Otero Alcántara’s life is in grave danger, not only because of the risks of a prolonged hunger and thirst strike, but also because of the excessive hatred that the regime professes towards those who defend human rights and dare. to face it with firmness and courage by non-violent methods of struggle. Remember what happened to Orlando Zapata Tamayo in 2010 and Wilman Villar Mendoza in 2012. Both died in medical facilities during a hunger strike, after suffering cruel and inhuman treatment and unsanitary conditions in the prisons of the island. Let us not forget the questionable circumstances of the deaths of Oswaldo Payá Sardiñas and Laura Pollán Toledo, among other cases that we could cite.

Those of us who respect and duly value the life of every human being, defend fundamental human rights and freedoms, and love truth and justice, cannot remain silent or look away from grave violations and flagrant violations of human rights committed by the regime of Miguel Díaz-Canel, current first secretary of the Communist Party and “president” of the Republic of Cuba.

Saving the life of Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara is everyone’s duty!


1. Berta Soler Fernández. Representative of the Ladies in White.

2. Martha Beatriz Roque Cabello. Economist and former prisoner of conscience.

3. José Daniel Ferrer García. UNPACU General Coordinator.

4. Iván Hernández Carrillo. Cuban Independent Trade Union Association, ASIC.

5. Arianna López Roque. ¨Julio Machado¨ Academy.

6. Ángel Moya Acosta. Former prisoner of conscience.

7. Felix Navarro Rodríguez. Party for Democracy “Pedro Luis Boitel”.

8. Juan Alberto de la Nuez Ramírez. Reflection and reconciliation of the citizen movement, MCRR.

9. Roberto López Ramos. College of Independent Teachers of Cuba, CPIC.

10. Yanisbel Valido Pérez. Civic command ¨Leoncio Vidal¨.

11. Pastor Alaín Toledano Valiente.

12. Pastor Yoel Demetrio Asprón Morales.

Open to the signatures of other brothers of the struggle concerned about the life of Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara and about the intensification of the repression of the regime against the opposition and the people in general.


The United States demanded immediate action from Cuba to protect the life of activist Luis Alcántara, who has been on hunger strike for 7 days
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