Request for judgment of those responsible for sending weapons to Bolivia | Document from Latin American human rights organizations


About 20 human rights organizations in Latin America have repudiated the sending of repressive material by the Cambiemos government to Bolivia during the coup against President Evo Morales in 2019. “We demand that both countries act as quickly as possible, demanding the capture of Mauricio Macri. and of all those who are involved in the planning and carrying out of the coup, so that they can be judged adequately, ”indicates the text signed by the Argentine League for Human Rights with organizations in Mexico , Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Ecuador and Panama. , Brazil, El Salvador, Dominican Republic and Colombia.

“By order of the Macrista government, more than 40,000 large caliber cartridges, grenades and tear gas were sent hidden in Hercules planes” while the elimination of Morales was consumed, they recall. “The massacres of Senkata, Sacaba and El Pedregal, during which dozens of compatriots of the Patria Grande were murdered, as well as the systematic repressions against the Bolivian people, were perpetrated with the joint and coordinated armament of the rights of our countries, led by North American imperialism», They emphasize.

“This shows what we stand for when we denounce Luis Almagro and the OAS General Secretariat for being responsible for planning, justifying and consolidating the coup d’état in Bolivia,” they add, and consider than “a new Condor Plan has been implemented in our America to dismantle revolutionary and progressive governments of the region, and repress the majorities who dream of and build a just world and a united America ”.

The document points out that the Macri government “coordinated its policies with imperialism, with the IMF and with Latin American rights, destroying Unasur and building the coup group in Lima”, along with “in Argentina, he applied the neoliberal economic recipe book, adjusting public investment in education, health, housing, work, through assassinations, political prisoners and prisoners and street repressions, leaving an unpayable foreign debt and a line of poor, hungry and defenseless ”.
Faced with the Bolivian government’s complaint concerning the sending of material to be suppressed by the Cambiemos management, they consider that “It is now imperative to make all the capacities of States available and to put in place mechanisms for joint collaboration to investigate and prevent these crimes against humanity from going unpunished.”.

The document is signed by the Argentine League for Human Rights, the Bolivian League for Human Rights and the Mexican League for the Defense of Human Rights; of Peru, the Regional Human Rights Advisory Foundation (INREDH), the Center for Public Policy and Human Rights (Equidad), the Center for Rights and Development (CEDAL) and the Association for Human Rights (APRODEH ); from Chile, the Corporation for the Promotion and Defense of the Rights of the People (CODEPU) and the Association of Relatives of Executed Politicians (AFEP); from Ecuador, the Regional Consultative Foundation for Human Rights (INREDH) and the Ecumenical Commission on Human Rights; from Panama, the Social Training Center (CCS); the El Salvador Human Rights Commission (CDHES); from Brazil, the National Human Rights Movement (MNDH) and Justiça Global; from the Dominican Republic, the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH-RD); from Colombia, the Lazos de Dignidad Foundation (FLD) and the Collective of Lawyers (José Alvear Restrepo); the American Coordinator for Peoples’ Rights; SOA (Observatory of the School of the Americas) and Artistas Autoconvocados de Orán.


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