Rescue in Peru and Bolivia, two Argentine teenagers kidnapped


Emotional embrace; one of the girls is reunited with her family

Two teenagers aged 14 and 18 who
had been abducted by traffickers and then transferred to




, were rescued after coordinated action by security forces and arrived in the country today, the statement said.

National Gendarmerie


The families of the two young women had reported their disappearances in the judicial offices of




, respectively. Investigations were conducted in coordination with federal officials from countries where women were detained.

One of the young women had been captured via social networks
One of the young women had been captured via social networks Credit: Gendarmerie Press

On December 4, the Salta teenage family went to the prosecutor's office of Cerrillos town to report the transfer of the child to Bolivia. He was found last Wednesday. During the rescue operation, three men were arrested.

In addition, Posadas Court of Inquiry No. 1 opened an investigation into the fate of the 18-year-old girl, who, according to her family's name, said that the National Gendarmerie had been captured via social media. . Recently, they found her in Parcona and she returned to the country this week.


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