Rescue in Thailand: in quarantine and sunglasses, just like the children of Tham Luang cave


Bread with Chocolate

This was the first thing they asked to eat some of the children trapped for more than two weeks in a cave in northeastern Thailand after being rescued and brought back on the surface by an international team "Everyone is in a good mood and happy to be absent ," the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Public Health, Jedsada Chokdamrongsuk, told reporters when Eight of the 12 children remained the complex system of caves was already out

This Tuesday it was confirmed that the children and their coach had already been saved.

Despite prolonged confinement in the cold, dark and poorly ventilated environment of the cave, where they had access. limited to food and water, teens have emerged in a better state than expected.

One of the divers who participated in the operation highlights the strength demonstrated by the children during the rescue.

None of them has had fever – a sign that may indicate an infection – although two have been treated with antibiotics for possible lung infection.

Once safe and in a dry and hot environment, doctors will continue to monitor his condition to verify that no one has contracted histoplasmosis, a lung disease caused by a fungus which grows in the feces of bats.

  children of the cave of Thailand

The 12 children and their football coach after 9 days disappeared in the cave of Tham Luang in Thailand.

In order to avoid risks, they were given vaccines for tetanus and rabies .

They also closely monitor the cuts and wounds on the skin of

Dark Lenses

The rescued teenagers were placed in in quarantine to prevent them from contracting and spread infections, and recover their strength.

initial was to keep them isolated for a week.

  children of the cave of Thailand

The children were transported to the hospital and placed under medical observation.

Young people needed to strengthen their muscles and immune systems, and get used to outdoor life.

To protect their eyes from the light, after two weeks in complete darkness, they were providing them Sunglbades

As soon as they left the cave, the children were fed with instant food and energy jellies, and soon after they began to eat soft foods of easy digestion

However, doctors realized the wish of some children and their gave chocolate.

Emotional Consequences

Although the health authorities reiterated that the youths were "mentally well" and that a team of psychologists will work with them to ensure their recovery, the experts point out that the traumatic episode that They have lived can have both short- and long-term consequences.


Until they recover, they will not be able to eat the typical and spicy food of Thailand. Only soft foods, easily digested. In the short term, explains to the BBC Andrea Danese, children's psychologist at King's University in London, they may be in tears and more attached to their parents

In the long run, they can depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder

For this reason, he says, it is important that children and their coaches have access to the 39, psychotherapeutic help. b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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