Rescue in Thailand: the first story of one of the boys on what happened in the cave – 13/07/2018


This is Duangpetch Promtep, but they call it "Dom". The 13-year-old boy is part of the group of young footballers who, along with his coach, spent 15-17 days trapped in a cave in Thailand . When all was uncertain, a picture appeared that showed Dom smiling, wrapped in a blanket, giving hope that they could be saved. And they did it

"They had no sense of time, they spoke a little to relieve stress," said the boy's father, Banphot Konkum, in an interview with the Thai media khaosod English . This is the first story in first person, told through the intermediary of a father, one of the protagonists of the fact that the whole world was in abeyance for two weeks.

  Banphot Konkum, father of Dom, shows his son's shirts (AP)

Banphot Konkum, Dom's father, shows his son's t-shirts (AP)

Families can now visit children who recover in an isolation room in a provincial hospital. But, to avoid infections, they must wear protective suits and stay two meters .

Dom is the attacker and the captain of Wild Boars (Wild Boar), the name of the team that surprised everyone with his strength. As reported by the BBC network it has been the target of several professional football clubs. His friends said that had the ability to be a leader, as well as a good sense of humor

  A photo of Dom as a footballer [AP]

A photo of Dom as a footballer

] On June 23, the team finished training and the 12 boys plus coach went to Tham Luang Nang cave. They had planned to be in the place only an hour, so Dom did not bring much snacks in his backpack.

The rain fell suddenly and the water began to flood the cave quickly. Everyone ran further, struggling to get out the mud and rocks of a hole that the coach found: the goal was to escape it. They reached it and arrived in a dry place

  Kameay Promthep, Dom's grandmother, in the living room of the family home (AP).

Kameay Promthep, Dom's grandmother, in the living room of the family home (AP).

They stayed there for more than two weeks. Dom told his parents that inside the cave, coach Ekkapol "Ek" Chantawong (25) told them all to stay still and thus conserve their energy . for the first time to children at the hospital "src =" "data-big =" / 07/10 / rkB3fcXQm_290x290__1.jpg "data-small ="” observer=”” data-observer-function=”loadLazyImg”/>

When they could find them and spend time with them, the Rescue divers gave the families peace of mind when they received letters from the boys. "I'm fine, only the weather can be a bit cold, but do not worry," writes Dom. "Do not forget my birthday party," he added . July, as the boy pbaded inside the cavern. "Happy birthday, Dom, I wish you were very happy, you're almost out, I'm so happy", his mother, Pichaya Keawkemtong, writes with hope on Facebook. Beside the message, he shared several photos of his son at previous celebrations.

Kum-aey Promtep, the boy's grandmother, told the media khaosod English that the family was going to prepare a party for him. surprise birthday with some "extra treats"

  Dom has skills as a player and as a leader (AP).

Dom has skills as a player and as a leader.

"The woman said about Dom's healing." She gets stronger, she lost three to four kilos, but now she has recovered a kilo, "he said.

In addition, she gave details of several of his orders. he wanted to eat roast pork and noodles, and also request a new cell phone since he left the precedent in the cave. "

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