Resident foreigners with negative PCR and two vaccines can enter Uruguay without quarantine


The Uruguayan government has decided that foreign residents who enter this country with a test PCR negative and the two doses of either vaccine against the coronavirus should not be quarantined, as required so far.

Thus, the executive is preparing a decree to stop requiring the mandatory seven-day quarantine for Uruguayans or residents who enter the country and comply with these requirements, they will be exempted from remaining seven days in isolation, according to the newspaper. local. The country citing presidential sources.

They specify that in addition to the two doses of vaccines, they must have respected “the 15 days after vaccination“.

So far, there are a series of conditions for entering the country in which the negative PCR test for the coronavirus is required, carried out up to 72 hours before the start of the trip.

In addition, an affidavit is requested through the Coronavirus Uy app or the online procedures website where no symptoms are manifested and contact with confirmed or suspected cases of COVID-19 and preventive quarantine of seven days, which is now rising “, details El País.

“Internal green passport”

As reported on the Uruguay presidency page, on Tuesday the president reported that the government is designing a pilot plan for people who are immunized with covid vaccines or who show negative results from a rapid test acquired in pharmacy “can enter public rooms.”

Luis Lacalle Pou, President of Uruguay.  Photo DPA.

Luis Lacalle Pou, President of Uruguay. Photo DPA.

Luis Lacalle Pou announced that a bill will be sent to Parliament. “It should be noted that this is not restrictive, and it’s not that the unvaccinated person can’t come in, ”he said.

He said that the owner of the premises or the organizers of the show will have the last word to let in those who have received the vaccine or present a negative test.

The President insisted that this was a pilot plan and that there was still no start date.

“There is one detail in which I want to be clear: if a person wants to enter a public exhibition and does not have the vaccines, he must take the test in the pharmacy which has a control system. Electronic Government and Information Society Agency (Agesic)“, Held.

Covid case

Uruguay added 60 deaths on Wednesday and 3,344 new cases of covid-19 after processing 14,060 tests, according to the daily report released by the National Emergency System (Sinae).

The deaths on that day concerned people aged 33 to 95. The most affected department (province) was Montevideo, recording 23 of the 60 deaths.

In this way, Uruguay now adds 249,365 infections since the start of the pandemic, of which 27,870 are people studying the disease, 492 of them admitted to intensive treatment centers (ICS) and 3,638 have died .

Regarding new cases, the capital was also the most affected with 1,559, while Canelones (south) came in second with 340 positive points.

According to the daily report presented by the Uruguayan Society of Intensive Care Medicine, at this time 76.2% of the 1,014 beds in the aforementioned centers are occupied and 52.1% of them are due to cases of coronavirus.

At present, the country’s 19 departments are in the red zone according to the Harvard index, accumulating more than 25 cases per 100,000 population in the past seven days.

With agency information.


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