Residents of Buenos Aires who make compost will pay less ABL


The conversion of organic waste into compost is one of the ways to reduce the huge amount of daily waste buried

In the city of Buenos Aires, about 6000 tons of waste are generated each day, more than half of the total is the wet fraction. That is, there is food left.

To try to reduce the volume of this type of waste, an initiative that proposes to generate a community composting program is studied in which neighbors who bend to the initiative receive a discount on their ABL rate.

It's a bill that's coming into the legislature that's trying to install, in principle, a community composting station for each municipality. The same would have at least 6 composteras of one cubic meter of capacity, where neighbors will be able to register as users.

"The first 5,000 registered users will receive a composting kit, consisting of a compostable basket, 40 biodegradable and compostable biodegradable bags and a guide for the proper separation of organic waste for composting ", the project told Infobae in the Environment Commission.

So, the declarant must bring the waste to the nearest station, where they will be checked and weighed. Once the compostable organic waste has been approved, the neighbor will receive compensation in the form of a discount on the ABL the following year. If you were free, You can prove it on your SUBE card, also from the following year.

The resulting compost will be used for the maintenance of public spaces and, if there is a surplus, it can be marketed and the funds obtained will be used to maintain the program.

"For more than 10 years, our city has embarked on the path of a gradual reduction of waste that ends up in controlled landfills." One of the planned stages was the separation of organic waste and its subsequent recovery, which is not the case today. at home, "said Maximiliano Ferraro, member of the bloc Vamos Juntos.

"We have the good news that this year the production, registration and application of compost have been regulated at the national level, which allows it to be used and introduced to the market. That's why the creation and implementation of a first composting program that turns some leftovers into fertilizer for our soils and provides incentives for its users is the next natural step on the path to zero waste. we want to get there, "added the legislator, who promotes the project alongside Claudio Cingolani and Hernán Reyes, also from Vamos Juntos.

Does the regulation mentioned by the legislator, as it appears in the project's arguments, be joint resolution 1/2019 of the Secretariat for Environmental Monitoring and Surveillance and of the National Health Service and of the agri-food quality (SENASA).

It established the normative framework for the production, registration and application of compost, the purpose of which is to "define the possible applications and establish the necessary requirements compost made from separated organic waste must comply origin and collected in a differentiated manner, for the purposes of its registration, with a view to ensuring sustainable management and promoting its production, use and application in the various provincial jurisdictions ".

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