Restrictions: government reasons for closing borders with Brazil, Chile and Mexico


The national government has ordered that from this Saturday, March 27, flights from Brazil, Chile and Mexico be suspended. The administrative decision signed by the chief of staff, Santiago Cafiero, was published this Friday in the Official Journal.

The document states that the borders will be closed to tourism, For what Anyone who is not Argentinian and wants to enter the country for the purpose of sightseeing cannot.

This measure, which applies to the above-mentioned countries as well as to the United Kingdom, is based on the rapid increase in infections and deaths in recent weeks, the proliferation of coronavirus variants in the territory and the influx of tourists to Argentina.

Government to suspend flights from three countries, demand testing and isolation

The panorama of Brazil: assessment of infections and deaths with Cepa Manaos

brazil cemetery
Brazil has accumulated a total of 12.3 million infections and 303,000 loss of life.

Brazil recorded this Thursday, and for the first time since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, over 100,000 coronavirus infections in 24 hours. In this way, he breaks a new and sinister record.

Were exactly 100,158 new cases, with which the number of infections reached 12.3 million. The report also reported 2,777 dead on last day, bringing the total to 303,462 loss of life.

The daily average of those infected in seven days is currently 77,050, double the number at the beginning of January, which was around 36,003. the number of deaths tripled from 703 in January to 2,280.

Covid in Brazil: a record number of 3,000 dead in one day and a pan for Bolsonaro

The climb for the moment seems to have no roof, with the slow progressing vaccination and the resistance of President Jair Bolsonaro to impose social confinement measures, claiming its economic impact.

Other factors conducive to the crisis situation are also based on little respect for recommendations for social isolation and the emergence of a local variant of the virus, called “Manaus” or P.1, considered much more contagious.

Also, 23 of its 27 states in Brazil report 85% occupancy of their intensive care units (UTI) and reports of shortages of oxygen and other medical supplies are mounting.

The panorama of Chile: unexpected increase in the number of infected

Flight restrictions in Argentina
Chile has accumulated a total of 954,000 infections and 22,000 loss of life.

Chile will be confined again on Saturday in the face of the sharp increase in covid-19 cases, which puts the health system under control, despite an impressive vaccination campaign.

This Thursday, 7,023 new cases and 122 deaths were reported, for a total of 954,762 people infected and 22,524 confirmed deaths since the start of the pandemic.

After a 36% increase in infections in the past two weeks, much of this country of 19 million people has returned to strict quarantine.

Covid-19: Chile returns to phase 1 in almost the whole country from this Saturday

Among the new restrictions, they said passengers from Brazil must, from this Thursday, It is compulsory to stay three days in a sanitary hotel and another 7 days in your residence.

In addition, since March 31 Anyone entering the country from abroad must spend five days in a sanitary hotel paid for by the traveler, with the exception of those who started the trip before March 27.

Health authorities also confirmed the presence of “45 cases of the Brazilian variant” in addition to “64 cases of the British variant”, for which they discouraged travel and tourism.

Panorama of Mexico: excessive increase in deaths

Flight restrictions in Argentina
Mexico has accumulated a total of 2.2 million infections and 200,000 loss of life.

Mexico approaches the 200,000 deaths by Covid-19 although nine weeks have ended with declining numbers, a trend that does not however dispel fears of a new wave of infections.

The Ministry of Health counted until Wednesday 199,627 deaths. With 126 million inhabitants, the death rate in Mexico is seventeen per 100,000 inhabitants.

Meanwhile, the death toll from COVID-19 puts the country between the first four in the world to cross that dark threshold, as it struggles to speed up the vaccination rate. For its part, infections exceed 2.2 million.

Far were the forecasts of the government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who from an initial estimate of 8,000 deaths, it rose to 35,000 and then to 60,000 in a “catastrophic” scenario.


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