reveal how the coronavirus affects eyesight


The call “eye pain“Is the most significant visual indicator that a person has coronavirus, according to a new study published in the scientific journal British Medical Journal Open Ophthalmology.

Researchers at Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) in England asked 83 people diagnosed with Covid-19 to fill out a questionnaire about their symptoms and clarify if they had had any before the pandemic.

“This is the first study to investigate the various eye symptoms indicative of conjunctivitis related to Covid-19, its time in relation to other known symptoms and its duration, ”said lead author Shahina Pardhan.

The work found that eye pain was much more common when participants had coronavirus: 16% reported it as one of the symptoms of disease. And only 5% said they had ever had this discomfort.

“Eye pain” is a colloquial name for various eye conditions that cause visual discomfort, and is sometimes confused with visual fatigue.

It is a common complaint to the doctor and can be described as a burning, throbbing, pain or stabbing sensation in or around the eye. We can also have the impression that there is something lodged in the eyes.

On the other hand, 18% of the people questioned declared to suffer from photophobia (sensitivity to light) as one of the symptoms. In addition, 17% said they had itchy eyes

But, in both groups, the increase in these situations – compared to those already suffering before the pandemic – was less than in the case of eye pain. Therefore, the authors conclude that eye pain is the most important eye symptom experienced by those who have Covid-19.

The World Health Organization (WHO) includes the conjunctivitis in its list of symptoms of Covid-19, in the category “less frequent which affects some patients”.

However, according to the new study published in the BMJ, the term “conjunctivitis” is too broad and should be used with caution.

“We maintain that the eye pain should replace ‘conjunctivitis’because it is important to differentiate them from the symptoms of other types of infections, such as bacterial infections, which manifest as mucous discharge or gritty eyes, ”Pardhan said.

In fact, mucous discharge and gritty eyes associated with bacterial infection – which are symptoms associated with other types of conjunctivitis – were not highlighted in the responses of study participants.

Consulted by Bugle, Dr Betty Arteaga, from the ophthalmology department of the Italiano Hospital in Buenos Aires, explains that according to published studies most common eye symptoms coronaviruses are, in order of frequency, itching, redness, tearing, discharge and a foreign body sensation.

In addition – continues the specialist – there are reports which describe “eye pain” as a major eye symptom in people who have suffered from Covid-19.

According to Arteaga, people infected with the new coronavirus can develop red eyes (conjunctivitis) and its symptoms are similar to any other typical conjunctivitis, which can present with eye discomfort and mild discomfort.

So how can we tell the difference? “Doctors are starting to worry about the possibility of coronavirus infection if the patient, in addition to the conjunctivitis, have other symptoms», Replies the ophthalmologist.

The list includes fever, cough, shortness of breath, bluish color of lips or face, headache, chest pain or tightness, extreme tiredness or weakness, loss of smell or taste, diarrhea and nausea. “None of these symptoms are usually caused by typical conjunctivitis,” Arteaga difference.

The ophthalmologist remembers that it is very important that we continue to take care of ourselves. He recommends washing your hands frequently, avoiding touching your face and eyes, keeping a social distance, and wearing the mask properly while covering your nose.



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