Reveal that aspirin can be an effective drug against Alzheimer's disease


INTERNATIONAL DRAFTING .- Taking small doses of aspirin may have an additional effect, apart from pain relief and the treatment of cardiovascular disease. A research team based in the city of Chicago (USA) has discovered that it influences a key process in the development of Alzheimer's disease.

The exact cause of Alzheimer's progression is still unknown, but the specialists know that its predominant mechanism is a deterioration in the elimination of the toxic peptide of beta-amyloid in the human brain, in especially in the hippocampus region. Therefore, the activation of the cellular mechanism responsible for the elimination of this brain waste has become a key strategy to treat or slow the progression of the disease.

A study in laboratory mice, whose results were published on July 2, Neuroscience, showed that one of the most used drugs in the world is also effective in this sense.

In the model with mice, aspirin has been successful in decreasing the pathology induced in amyloid plaques, stimulating lysosomes: the organelles responsible for cellular digestion, which, among other functions, eliminates "cellular waste". In this way, it is thought that people could also reduce the risk and suppress the effects of Alzheimer's disease.

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