Reveal the supposed last words of Adolf Hitler


Hitler Baur Pilot 1

The testimony on the end of the Nazi leader was compiled in the memoir "I was the pilot of Hitler", written by the collaborator who died in 1993 at the age of 93 years.

"Hitler came to me and took both my hands," he revealed, adding that he had said, "Baur, I want to say goodbye to you. My generals have betrayed me; my soldiers do not want to continue and I can not continue"

Hitler Baur Pilot 2

"I tried to convince him that there were still planes available and that I could take him to Japan, Argentina or with one of the sheikhs., who were all very friends with him because of his attitude towards the Jews, "said Baur, but the dictator replied:" The war will end with the fall of Berlin. And I'm standing where I fall with Berlin. "

Then the Nazi leader added, "A man needs to muster enough courage to deal with the consequences, so I finish it now. I know that tomorrow millions of people will curse meIt's destiny. But the Russians know very well that I'm here in this bunkerand I'm afraid they're using gas pumps. I know that there are gas extractors, but can you trust them? In any case, I do not trust and I will finish it today. "


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