Reveal the true age of the baby dwarf accused of being "a 22-year-old psychopath" | Chronic


The last big mystery surrounding Natalia Grace, the dwarf baby abandoned by his adoptive parents, has been revealed in the last hours. Her biological mother spoke to the press and told her how old she really was, since those who adopted her and left her to their fate said she was "a 22-year-old psychopath" Who tried to kill them.

The story that went around the world began with the arrest of a marriage, Kristine and Michael Barnettaccused of abandon the little girl in an apartment United States in 2014 to move to Canada with their biological children.

Natalia Grace

Natalia, a native of Ukraine, had been adopted in 2010, when a doctor had estimated that she was 8 years old. However, they noticed that the child had adult behaviors, hair in public and that she was suffering from a psychiatric disorder diagnosed only in the elderly.

This condition motivated the girl to threaten her family to kill her, "wrap them in a sheet and bury them in the yard", Kristine tied.

Natalia when she lived with the Barnett.

The Barnett tried to check Natalia's actual age several times with different medical reports, since they considered that they were victims of "fraud" in adoption because the girl was actually an adult with dwarfism. In 2012, they finally changed his age from 10 to 22 years on his birth certificate.

READ ALSO: Medical report has cast more mystery on the dwarf baby abandoned by his family

Once this process was completed, the family moved to Canada and abandoned the girl to her fate, without money, in an apartment in Lafayette, Indiana. There, the police found her and began the round trip between Barnett and Natalia's new family, who claimed that she was a minor when they left her.

The biological mother of Natalia Grace.

British newspaper Daily mail found in Ukraine the biological mother of Natalia, Anna Volodymyrivna Gava, 40, said that her daughter was a baby dwarf "16 years ago".

Gava said that he had left her in 2003 in an orphanage. "recommendation of doctors". "They told me to leave her and not ruin my life"he explained. The professionals had indicated that the baby could never move and that he would spend his life tied to a chair or a bed.

Natalia lived five years at the orphanage until her adoption by an American couple.

"My daughter, forgive me what happened 16 years ago.I really want to see her.I hope she'll be 18 when she arrives in Ukraine and that she will find me. I'd like to hold her in my arms and apologize. " said the woman in tears.

The Barnett, meanwhile, are accused of abandoning the baby and the version of the natural mother would complicate his judicial situation.

The Barnett face a charge of abandonment.


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