Revealing new discoveries about former American dogs




Fri Jul 6 2018, 12:22 pm

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A new discovery suggests that ancient American dogs have been almost completely annihilated by l 39; arrival of European races. (ARCHIVE)

Using genetic information from 71 remains of archaeological dogs from North America and Siberia, a group of scientists has obtained new findings suggesting that ancient American dogs have been almost completely annihilated by the 39, arrival of European races.

The results of this study by researchers from the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Queen Mary and Durham, were published in the journal "Science" and are given today by the University of Cambridge in a statement. 19659008] New research suggests that the first domestic dogs that arrived in America were brought by people who migrated from Asia, but were annihilated when Europeans began to explore the New World from the 15th century .

Mitochondrial of 71 ancient dogs recovered from archaeological sites in North America and Siberia, the northernmost region of Asia that has long had a land pbadage between continents.

They also sequenced the nuclear genome (accounting for 99 percent of all DNA) of seven ancient dogs and compared the genomes of these dogs with several modern breeds and other live canine species, such as the wolves of Nortea merica

All these dogs lived before the Europeans came into contact with the native peoples of America; but even the oldest specimens, some nine thousand years old, lived long after humans first crossed the Bering Strait and settled across North and South America.

mystery where and how these first domestic dogs evolved, it was stated in a statement

In previous studies, researchers found that ancient American dogs have little in common with modern dogs, in terms of genetic.

they have common links with the American wolf, suggesting that they were not domesticated by the local dog population encountered by American proto-Americans; Although these dogs shared more genetic similarities with breeds like the Siberian Husky, but not as direct descendants.

The most likely scenario, according to the researchers, is that dogs existed before the arrival of Europeans in America about 10 years ago. thousand years

Although this line has flourished for centuries, it seems that its destiny was linked to the indigenous peoples who were killed by the Europeans.

The authors of the study commented that after the arrival of Europeans, native dogs Americans have almost completely disappeared, leaving a minimal genetic inheritance in modern canine populations.

While some American dogs may have disappeared by epidemic or have been intentionally eliminated by Europeans, as Indigenous peoples have often been, that there are other reasons to his disappearance.

Europeans may have preferred and kept the dogs that they brought from their home countries.

The researchers' theory also refers to the Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor (CTVT), a form of badually transmitted cancer that has spread

because CTVTs (and all cancers) are essentially the mutated form of cancer. 39; DNA of an animal, it is possible to trace its genetic structure to the dog who developed it for the first time.

the specialists found that this first dog with CTVT was closely related to the pre-arrival dogs of Europeans, suggesting that the disease appeared about eight thousand years ago.

Although there is still much research to be done to find out by After completing the genetic history of the best friend of man, the study revealed new clues, said Krishna Veeramah, a geneticist at the University of Stony Brook in the United States. The evolution of the older dog has been studied.

A new discovery suggests that ancient American dogs have been almost completely annihilated by the arrival of European breeds. (ARCHIVER)



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