Revealing the identity of Lola Chomnalez's alleged killer: he allegedly committed suicide a month after the crime


The investigation into the feminicide of Lola Chomnalez, the Argentine teenager murdered in Barra de Valizas in December 2014, could take a turn with a new revelation of the court record. According to the newspaper The country from Uruguay, the authorities would have the identity of the alleged murderer of the victim.

According to media reports, three witnesses claimed that it is Daniel V (aka "El Tereso") who killed the teenager. However, the man he committed suicide the year following the crime.

A Uruguayan media revealed that the justice had the identity of the alleged murderer of Lola Chomnalez. Credit: The country of Uruguay
A Uruguayan media revealed that the justice had the identity of the alleged murderer of Lola Chomnalez. Credit: The country of Uruguay

This badumption stems from a report from the Complex Facts Unit sent to Judge Rocha in 2016. In this case, it appears that Judge Claudia stated that her employee, Noelia, had told her that her brother "El Tereso" had been responsible. In turn, he recalled that, following the young man, in January 2015, he had heard a comment on this subject: "Now he will rest in peace. He carried the secret to the grave for what he did to Lola"

In the same line, Noelia reportedly said that her brother It was "very aggressive"who had tried to mistreat her other sister and even beat her ex-partners.

Following this publication, close to the family of Lola threw out this new badumption and denied that the case follows this track. In dialogue with Clarin, Chomnalez's lawyer, Juan Raúl Willman, made it clear that they had not even advanced with the exhumation of Daniel V's body because this one was not related to the people they had under the eyes. "At the moment, the investigation is ongoing, not the one that has been released today," he explained.

Until now, the only accused and arrested for the feminicide is Ángel Moreyra Martínez, known as "El Cachila". For Attorney General Jorge Vaz, the car attendant he was the co-author of the murder.

In his statement, the suspect admitted that he had met Lola on the beach on December 28, 2014 and had offered her "a small tampon", but she was dizzy and, when she l? At sight, she discovered that she "had no pulse".

"El Cachila", a 33-year-old car manufacturer, is the only one to have been arrested and prosecuted for the crime of Lola Chomnalez. Credit: Vía País

The prosecutor pointed out that one of the "most striking" points of the accused's testimony was that he had stated that the girl was beginning to feel bad and that he was Had taken her to the forest, behind the dunes, in the shade of a tree. "I asked her what she had and she told me that she was feeling dizzy." There, she sat down and fell to her knees. I took the pulse and I was scared, I went out and took the bus to Montevideo"said" El Cachila ".

"The suspect's story is obviously illogical and contrary, not only to the evidence that emerges from the victim's body, but to the situation itself," Vaz said. For the bailiff, if the teenager had felt bad, the logical thing would have been to stay on the beach and try to get to a more populated area in search of a medical aid. "This was carried against his will"he badured.


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