"Reverso" is born, a coalition to fight misinformation in Argentina | Chronic


Accurate and accurate information is essential for making decisions freely, especially during elections. In this election year, Google News Initiative celebrates the birth of Reverso: an unpublished collaboration project in the country.

It is a coalition that fights against misinformation and whose ultimate goal is to provide citizens with the tools they need to differentiate false information and discourage those who use such content from influencing the 2019 elections.

Coordinated by AFP Factual, Checked, First Draf. and Pop-Up Newsroom, this group is made up of more than 60 Argentinian media, organizations, and technology companies that aim to train journalists across the country to monitor and verify viral content, as well as to produce and market disseminate together audiovisual articles and plays highlighting the misinformation circulating during the electoral process.

For this, a decentralized formulation will be created with the allied media across the country. The team will continually review social networks and trends using monitoring tools to find out what information is shared and badyze whether it is true, misleading, false or impossible to prove.

Google will provide an infrastructure with cloud computing capability, provide support with verification tools, and help interpret research trends that reflect Google Trends to understand what Argentineans are looking for in the electoral process.

Reverso will begin posting content on www.ReversoAr.com on June 11 and will end on December 11, once the elected government is elected. To know the whole initiative, you can enter this link to read the Google blog.

Disinformation is not a problem of the Internet in particular, but a challenge of our time, where all actors, old and new, are compromised. An open, free and reliable website is a vital resource for users, businesses around the world and, above all, for citizens during an election period.


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